ADLEY FACE!! the family PLAYS and REVIEWS fun new GAMES inside our house, who is a real game master?

Adley game reviews with Mom and Dad!! COME PLAY!


HEY EVERYBODY!! It’s time for another AWESOME GAME REVIEW!! but wait…. instead of having just one game we got 3 games to play!! Being inside so much has made us really good at games so we have to get more because we beat games so fast now! To decide on which game we would play first my parents blindfolded me and hid the games all over the basement room! Then they let me loose in the room to try and find the games! The first game I found was a gymnastics game and it was really cool! You played as a jumper that had to vault over the vaulting table and then stick the landing on the game board! It took us a couple tries to figure it out but then we got a perfect score to get a gold medal! I then went blindfolded again and found a bananas game where we had to get all the bananas from the Monkey Banana Joe without him jumping out of the tree! We then finished up with a face popping game where we had to put facial features on the man before the time runs out or he would pop and all the pieces would fly everywhere!! I love playing games with my family it was so much fun!!

my last video – COPS vs ROBBERS – Prison Escape at our Park! Adleys new favorite game with Dad (don’t get caught)

my dad’s last video – EASTER MORNiNG!! a Bubble Battle inside the house and what we do easter morning family routine!

Bye vlog *pshhhhh*

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