‘Betrayal At Club Low’ – Stealth Rescues & Pizza Deliveries

Betrayal At Club Low sees you sneaking into a club disguised as a pizza delivery guy, a ruse you’ll need to keep up to perform a daring rescue.

An old colleague was on an intel mission to Club Low, and seems to be trapped there. You need to locate them, but that means keeping up appearances and impressing the club staff and attendees. Doing much of any of these involves die rolls against whoever you’re talking to or dealing with. These dice are all tied to handful of skills you possess, and you can spend money to buff up the various sides of a skill’s dice if you want to have a better chance of succeeding. Buffs cost money, though, which you gain from entering into those social situations and coming out on top. You’re going to have to take risks to grow, but it’s up to you which risks you take.

Betrayal At Club Low - a character prepares a pizza

If you want a leg-up, making tasty pizzas will help you. No social situation can’t be made a little easier with pizza. If you poke around the environments and try some odd actions, you’ll find ingredients and recipes. Putting together a good pizza can give you handy bonuses, like the ability to reroll an opponent’s dice, get some extra cash for dice improvement, and more. Pizza can make a huge difference when you’re in an unlucky situation. And, I mean, it’s part of your disguise. If you can’t pull out a pizza here and there, folks are going to see through that ruse.

Betrayal At Club Low gives a variety of routes to finding your colleague or not, so you’re encouraged to apply your skills however you like. Talk to whoever you want. In doing so, it creates a compelling stealth sandbox to work through. Just one that loves pizza and carries that particular humor and surreal feel that Cosmo D’s games excel at.

Betrayal At Club Low is available now on and Steam.

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