Music to my ears – The Tomb Raider Suite | GamesYouLoved

Nostalgia is a powerful thing; it can make one person weep and another person sing or sway. As of Friday 26th May 2017, The Tomb Raider Suite Kickstarter campaign is already underway!

Forget Project Rap Rabbit, The Tomb Raider Suite guarantees to relive your childhood and it boasts a 90-minute soundtrack worth every penny. Back the aforesaid Tomb Raider Suite Kickstarter campaign as soon as possible, unless you want to miss out on this timeless, precious piece of childhood.

Thanks to Kickstarter, the Tomb Raider fanbase will finally listen to the Tomb Raider trilogy soundtracks fully remastered from the ground up and recorded by a full-fledged orchestra. Please pledge to its official Kickstarter campaign hosted by none other than the legendary Tomb Raider composer himself, Nathan McCree, and it’s in association with Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics.

In the meantime, you can sample some of the music tracks featured in The Tomb Raider Suite soundtrack on Nathan’s SoundCloud account. I recommend you listening to them at a library, this type of music compliments well with the almost silent atmosphere of said library.

Whether you are a Tomb Raider fan or not, this soundtrack is perfect for your retro gaming collection.

When Nathan McCree composed the soundtracks for the Tomb Raider trilogy between 1996 and 1998, he applied his favourite synthesisers into them. Throughout 20 years, he dreamt of his music being composed by a full live orchestra and a choir. When the 20th anniversary of the Tomb Raider series finally arrived last year, he took advantage of the time to realise his life-long dream. 

On Sunday 18th December 2016, The Tomb Raider Suite premiered at London and is performed live by the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra and the City of London Choir. Robert Ziegler also conducts it. It received three standing ovations from over 2,000 fans that attended the symphony concert.

Fast forward to this year, Nathan and his team intend to create a studio recording with one of England’s top-tier orchestras in England’s beloved recording studio, Abbey Road, located in London. This is a golden opportunity for the fans worldwide to finally own and listen to a world-class recording of his music beyond his wildest dreams.

Regarding the aforementioned Tomb Raider Suite, the team is composed of (no pun intended) the incomparable composer, Nathan McCree, the producer, David Burns and the orchestrator, Adam Langston.

If the campaign succeeded beyond its initial goal, the stretch goals promises to increase the size of the choir, brass section and woodwind segment for the recording at Abbey Road, record and release the synthesiser only version of The Tomb Raider Suite, remaster and release the original, unaltered Tomb Raider 1, 2 and 3 soundtracks and last but not least, film and release a TV/DVD documentary about the making/behind-the-scenes of The Tomb Raider Suite.

Depending on which backer tier you picked, you’ll obtain either a red world premiere concert poster, a blue world premiere concert poster, a first page score of The Tomb Raider theme, a world premiere concert programme, a jewel case of The Tomb Raider Suite, a limited edition deluxe tin double CD of The Tomb Raider Suite or a limited edition double vinyl album of The Tomb Raider Suite.

According to the Kickstarter campaign, it’s all or nothing and it will be funded if it reaches its goal by Sunday 25th June 2017 at 12:00pm BST.

With your help, you can help a legion of life-long, loyal Tomb Raider fans and Nathan’s dreams a reality!

For more details, visit its official website and its official Kickstarter campaign or ask Nathan McCree on Twitter, Facebook or YouTube.

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