A Plague Tale: Requiem will be roughly 15-18 hours long

A Plague Tale: Innocence ended up being a surprise hit for Asobo Studio, which paved the way for the sequel, A Plague Tale: Requiem. I played through the first game and enjoyed it quite a bit, and I was also surprised by just how lengthy the adventure was. It seems we’re in for even more of that from the sequel.

In an interview with PLAY Magazine (issue #19), Asobo Studio’s Lead Level Designer Kevin Pinson talked about just how long A Plague Tale: Requiem will be. According to Pinson, players can expect to spend anywhere from 15 to 18 hours running through Requiem’s journey. This would make Requiem roughly double the length of Innocence.

While the sequel is considerably longer, Pinson was quick to point out that the game doesn’t include any filler content. The goal was to make A Plague Tale: Requiem the length the team needed to tell the story they had planned out

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