‘Hello Goodboy’ Heads to the Afterlife With a Dog

Hello Goodboy is a narrative game about navigating the afterlife when you have very little memory of who you are. But you’ve got a lovely dog to guide you.

I got the chance to try out some of Hello Goodboy at EGX this year, where I was curious about the cast of characters I met and about the little boy I was playing as. You don’t actually remember who you are when you meet this dog; a dog who claims they were previously a wolf. They teach you how to interact with objects and give you a voice so you can talk a bit and interact. It’s a lovely start to your adventure where you can pick where to go and what to do. At first, I didn’t believe this dog. There was something about the writing that felt like this dog might not be an actual good soul, but it turns out I was wrong.

Hello Goodboy

As you work your way through your journey to the afterlife, you’ll be finding other people who need help. You do that through finding objects they need or keeping them company and eating some yummy food. Some need help building things and others need help with small mini-games that act like puzzles. As you help people and explore, you will also learn why you have entered this world and about the life you left behind.

The game itself is non-linear, so you can pick where you go and who you want to help to progress the story in your own way. The characters themselves have a variety of backstories, too, and different personalities for you to experience. All of your choices have meaning and help shape your story; some people will only be friends with you if you were not friends with others, leading you towards different endings. 

Hello Goodboy is currently in development, but in the meantime, you can add it to your Steam Wishlist.

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