The Konia Project – A rather strange C64 game as a hark back to the Nokia!

A bit of a late one this, especially as the bed is calling, and my eyes are slowly dropping, but there’s just enough energy left for me to write about this new C64 game called ‘The Konia Project’. A new game release from Back2the8bit whereby you have a choice of 3 games to play on your C64 via an old Nokia phone! Yes this one is a bit of an odd ball, but check out the latest footage sent to us via Saberman and you’ll see what I mean.

Here is what the creator says about the game called The Konia project. This is a game for the C64 where you can play 3 games “inside” a Nok… ehm, an old “Konia” cellphone, while funny text messages entertain you. Hitting spacebar in-game makes you warp in the “crazy mode”, where a game switches to another game suddenly. Hitting spacebar during the menu choice picks a random chat to show. Can you reach 255 points and break the “indestructible” phone?”
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