Lots of NES LOVE! | GamesYouLoved

We speak to Kat – a retro video game collector living in Canada. She collects for the NES, N64, Game Boy, Sega Master System, Genesis and 32X systems.

The main love of her collection is NES, where she is now currently one game away from the full licensed NES set!

Q. What makes you play and collect retro games?

For me my collecting comes from nostalgia. I have always loved playing video games and for me collecting was a way to relive some of those memories. From that I developed a love for collecting full sets for certain consoles.

NES Shelf

Q. How many games do you own roughly?

I have around 1500 games currently in my collection.

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Q. Tell us about your instagram – when did that start and why?

I created my Instagram account about four months ago, I wanted to be able to share my collection and adventures as well as chat with other collectors. It has been an amazing way to meet great people as well as see what others collect and how they build their collections.

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Q. Do your friends and family share your love for retrogames?

I have friends who collect as well as friends who just like to play retro games and enjoy a gaming night. My husband is a collector as well, it helps to have someone who understands the obsession!

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Q. What are some of your most loved games in your collection?

I have a lot of loved games in my collection, if I had to pick three they would be: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak for NES – I was extremely lucky to find this game CIB hiding in a local game store! It isn’t in perfect condition but I love that it has the memory attached to the find.

Paper Mario for N64 – This one is easy for me, it is still one of my favorite games to play now as an adult! Secret of Mana for SNES – This is a loved game for me because it is a really great multiplayer action RPG.


Q. How long have you been collecting and playing video games?

I have been playing video games since I was really young and continued to love playing video games as I grew up. I have been collecting for a bit over five years now.


Q Do you play new gen games as well as classic games?

I do play new gen games as well as classic games. For new gen games I tend to play action/adventure games and platformers. One of my favorite new gen game is Alice Madness Returns.


Q. What games do you love to photograph the most?

NES games are my favorite to photograph. This was the first set I started hunting for when I began collecting, it holds a special place in my game room.


Q. Any advice for people wanting to start collecting retro games?

Collect whatever it works for you, whether if be games you love to play, certain series or full sets.

If you are looking to collect full sets of games for certain systems, have a couple systems on the go at one time. It makes it more enjoyable especially if you have a harder time finding games for a certain console.




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