Blizzard sending out Overwatch 2 survey for Battle Pass and Store input

Overwatch 2 launched earlier this month, and Blizzard has been hard at work making changes and tweaks to the experience ever since. Now it seems they’re looking for some very specific player feedback for future changes, and they’re doing so with an email survey.

Keep an eye out on your inbox, as Blizzard might be sending over an Overwatch 2 survey very soon. Players on Reddit have noted that in particular, the email asks for input on Overwatch 2’s Battle Pass and Store. These are two areas players have had the most complaints about, so hopefully this is a sign of good changes to come.

There are countless players who are upset with how Overwatch 2 handles a number of areas, but with surveys like these, you’ll have a chance to shape what happens in the future. While you might be incredibly angry with the current state of things, if you are lucky enough to get an email survey, make sure to use it as a method of constructive criticism, rather than blind rage. Use your frustration to potentially better the game!

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