Pokémon Scarlet/Violet have leaked | GoNintendo

Just a few days back, SEGA suffered a major leak for Sonic Frontiers. The game was being sold early at multiple retailers, and then some unsavory characters leaked the ROM online. Unfortunately, it seems Nintendo and Pokémon Co. area about to go through the same thing with Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

We’re not quite sure of the details on how just yet, but we can confirm that Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have indeed leaked. If you’re on social media and you care about keeping these games unspoiled, you might want to mute some accounts/terms and steer extra clear of your usual internet haunts. You don’t want to happen upon any story spoilers when we’re this close to the game’s launch.

It seems this leak stems from someone getting their hands on the game early, although we don’t know if a ROM has made its way online. Sadly, even if the ROM hasn’t surfaced online yet, this leak means it’s just a matter of time.

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