Tears of joy as streamer completes back-to-back no-hit run of every single Soulsborne game

After 120 days of trying and multiple restarts, streamer dinossindgeil (opens in new tab)—or Dino—broke into happy tears yesterday as he became the second recorded player to complete “God Run 3”: A playthrough of Demon’s Souls (the remake), every Dark Souls game, Bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden Ring in which he took no hits whatsoever.

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The rules were simple: Dino had to play the games back-to-back—sans DLC—without taking a single hit in any of them. The only caveat was that fall damage didn’t count, meaning Dino could take advantage of rings that buffed damage at low HP by repeatedly chucking himself off high ledges. If an enemy managed to hurt him, he had to start back at square one in Demon’s Souls. As you can imagine, that was a pretty painful experience when it happened.

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