Capcom updates placeholder websites for Mega Man 12 through 15

When Mega Man 11 released, Capcom was quick to point out that the next installment in the Mega Man franchise was already in the works. Unfortunately, it’s been pretty radio silent since then. Today, those holding out for anything from Capcom may have a tiny sliver of hope as we inch ever closer to Mega Man’s 35th anniversary.
Back in 2018, Capcom registered web domains for Mega Man 12 through 15. Nothing ever came of those domains, but obviously Capcom was parking them for future Mega Man titles, should they ever get to releasing that many. While the domains were left untouched since their initial purchase, they have finally been updated this year.
Those domains aren’t public-facing yet, so you can’t go to them and see details about Mega Man. That said, with all of them being tweaked in March 2022, it does make you wonder if we’ll see at least one of them being utilized for Mega Man’s 35th anniversary. That date rolls around Dec. 17th, 2022, so we don’t have long to wait to find out!