Pulling Favors Again Mission Guide (Gold Medal)

Franklin helps Tonya out with JB’s towing business for the third time.

Tonya Wiggins is Franklin’s childhood friend and JB’s wife. With JB nowhere to be found, Tonya frequently asks Franklin for help in their towing business, which Franklin hesitantly agrees to.

Pulling Favors Again is the third Strangers & Freaks mission involving Franklin Clinton and Tonya Wiggins. Since this mission involves Franklin, getting a Gold Medal is essential in getting a 100% save file completion in GTA 5.

We have outlined everything you need to know about Pulling Favors Again and how you can get a Gold Medal for completing the mission in GTA 5.

Pulling Favors Again Synopsis

Tonya sends Franklin a text message asking him to give her a call. Franklin immediately calls Tonya and Tonya explains the situation to Franklin. Tonya tells Franklin that JB has gone missing, and several people are looking for him.

Tonya guilt trips Franklin by telling him she and JB will lose the towing business and starve if Franklin doesn’t help with the tow truck job. Feeling bad for both of his childhood friends, Franklin heads to the LSPD Auto Impound at the Davis Sheriff’s Department to pick up the tow truck. Fortunately, Franklin immediately gets a call from the dispatcher advising a code 10-33.

Franklin arrives at the target destination on Elysian Island. Unlike the previous towing jobs, the car that needs towing this time is stuck on the train tracks across Chum Street. Things go from bad to worse when Franklin sees a Freight Train dashing at full speed toward the car.

Fortunately, Franklin pulls out the car from the train tracks before the freight train crashes and obliterates the vehicle. Phil, the car’s owner, gets a ride from Franklin, and the pair tow the vehicle to Glass Heroes Auto Repairs on Power Street in Strawberry.

Pulling Favors Again Gold Medal Objectives

  • Time: Complete within 07:00.
    • Drive towards the target location and back to Glass Heroes at full speed. You can do this by spamming Franklin’s special ability whenever possible.
  • Unhook Bonus: Keep the vehicle hooked until delivery.

All Gold Medal objectives for this mission can be completed through multiple replays. You can come back another time and replay the mission to get the rest of the Gold Medal objectives.

Pulling Favors Again Mission Guide

Go to the Davis Sheriff’s Department marked blue on the map.

Get inside the tow truck and drive toward the target location. Keep the accelerator floored and rely on Franklin’s special ability to keep your speed while turning.

Use Franklin’s special ability to position the tow truck and hook the car up in time.

With the vehicle successfully towed away from the train tracks, wait for Phil to get in the passenger seat, then drive to Glass Heroes in Strawberry.

Drop the vehicle in the designated area, then get out of the tow truck immediately to complete the mission.

Third Time’s the Charm

You’ll keep meeting Tonya as you progress through GTA 5’s story mode. The good news is that her requests only require you to pick up cars with JB’s tow truck. The Gold Medal objectives for Pulling Favors Again are similar to the past favor missions involving Tonya, so you are probably familiar with how these missions work now.

Skip the cutscenes, drive smoothly, and spam Franklin’s special ability to complete the mission within the required time limit.

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