Nintendo warns Switch owners about the dangers of condensation

Chances are you know how to take care of a Switch, along with all sorts of other electronic hardware. Still, Nintendo wants to make sure you keep your Switch running in tip-top shape, which is why they continue to share some helpful tips and tricks.
In their latest tweet on the Japanese Nintendo Customer Support account, the Big N wants to ensure Switch owners are well aware of the issues condensation can cause. Nintendo says that sudden changes in temperature can cause condensation to form on the Switch, and if any of that water makes its way into the system, it could be bad news.
Rather than wiping your Switch down if it does collect some condensation, Nintendo suggests taking the Switch into a warm room to let it dry out. Of course, Nintendo also says Switch owners should turn the system off completely during this process. Keeping it in sleep mode might lead to more issues should the condensation travel inside the system.