‘Ungrateful Birds: No Good Deed’ Sees You Punished for Rescuing Birds

Ungrateful Birds: No Good Deed sees you freeing some winged pals from cages. Trouble is, they’ll immediately start attacking you once they’re out.

I’m not really sure who locked up all of these birds, and unfortunately, the birds don’t either. All they know is that they’ve been locked up by some jerk, and once they’re free, they’re going to make them pay. You, however, are not some jerk. You’re someone who can’t stand to see these birds locked up. So, if you come across a caged bird, you’ll toss a rock at the cage to break them free. You’re good like that. However, the birds think you put them there and instantly start throwing things back at you. It’s a painful misunderstanding, but at least they’re free.

ungrateful birds no good deed - several birds are in cages near a waterfall

But there’s usually more than one bird locked up on the various cliffs and platforms throughout the game. As you free each of them, they add to the slew of enemies trying to take you down. The closer you get to your goal of freeing everyone, the more mayhem you have to avoid. The birds don’t all behave the same, either, with several types attacking in varied ways. You have to stay light on your feet because thrown rocks and other projectiles will be coming at you from a bunch of different directions. You can alleviate the challenge a bit by bringing in a second player to help out (bless you both and your bird-loving hearts), and can pick each other up if you get clobbered. Things can still get pretty wild the closer you get to the end of each level.

Ungrateful Birds: No Good Deed is a goofy, yet challenging platformer where I love and hate my little feathered foes. It brings up interesting mixed feelings as you curse the birds for attacking you even as you free more of them and make your troubles worse.

Ungrateful Birds: No Good Deed is available now on

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