A Pig Quest – An incredible Commodore 64/128 game by Antonio Savona and team has been released!

What a fantastic news story for you all, as looking through the C64/C128 Facebook group earlier today, we’ve just found out that the eagerly awaited Commodore 64/128 game of ‘A Pig Quest’ by Antonio Savona, Mauricet, Aldo Chiummo and Gaetano Chiummo, has finally been released for all to enjoy. To coincide with this hot news story, not only is there some animated gifs to look at, but there’s also a video of the game in action below. 

While we have mentioned this game right from the very start, A Pig Quest looks to be an incredible action platformer that only features 200 screens across 5 worlds filled with gorgeous C64 details and dynamic weather effects. But also a brilliant 36 situational SID soundtrack, collectable items, dangerous foes to battle against such as bats, and all of this set with secret areas, cinematic cutscenes as a fully PAL/NTSC and GS compatible game with support for second fire button. So yes if you have a Commodore 64 or Commodore 128, this is one game I can assure you will be right up there as a contender to Game of the Year 2023. 

Cartridge only (1MB)

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