Atari CEO wants to “do more” with Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration was released last year on Switch. It includes a great collection of classic Atari games, along with documentary-style history lessons on how they came into being. Atari CEO Wade Rosen however, doesn’t seem to be completely satisfied with the game as is. In a new interview with VentureBeat, he mentions how he’d like to continue to support the title for Atari’s 50th anniversary celebration.
Atari 50 was our big project. But the nice thing about that project is—the response has been so universally positive. It’s something the team really loves. We probably want to do more with 50. We think there’s more that can be done there, more that can be built upon. As great of a collection as that is, it’s really just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the history of Atari. We’re continuing to build that and flesh that out. And then looking at whatever titles have something coming around the bend, trying to find unique and interesting ways to support that. Sometimes that’s software. Sometimes that could be hardware. Sometimes it’s a combination of those.
[Wade Rosen, VentureBeat]
Whether building upon Atari 50 means future DLC and add-ons, or a possible sequel, Rosen doesn’t specify. The game did receive a new update in January which added some improvements and additional game options.
Click here to read the full interview with Rosen and get more insight into Atari’s plans to celebrate their past with future releases.