Remolded Farmhouse 2 at Stardew Valley Nexus

THIS IS MY FIRST MOD!!! I am still figuring some things out, but I am learning as I go.  I will continue to try to learn how to fix any mistakes I have made.

I have been wanting a bigger farmhouse but every mod I found with a bigger farmhouse either did not work or created an enormous house that was way more than I was looking for.  So I took the basic farmhouse 2 and made the upstairs the same size as the downstairs, creating a hallway and separating the nursery from the hall and moving the master bedroom upstairs.  I also expanded the living room slightly by moving the door down to where it was level with the rest of the front of the house (so it matches what the outside looks like).  Finally, I added a small space just below the spouse-room where you can place decorations or lighting.  

I also took inspiration from MiniPantsu‘s Farmhouse basement mod and replaced the standard southern room with a larger basement, based off of MiniPantsu’s design, and I replaced the Upper-corner room with a functioning Bathroom, again based off of MiniPantsu‘s design.  I made these home renovations rather than simply a part of the regular map so that anyone who already had the home renovations and wanted replace them with these could.  (I have noticed that with other mods that replace these rooms, they are often inaccessible because they are a part of the house map and do not replace the renovations).  

Lastly, I fixed up the cellar to make it look nicer.  I never liked the broken down cellar so when I went into the file to fix the warp back into the rest of the house, I fixed it up a bit.  

In order for this to work, you will need to replace all of the map files in the maps folder from the download, AND, you will need to include the Spouse Room Fix mod that I got from Aimon111‘s Redesigned Farmhouse layout, simply editing it to work for my house.  

I originally planned to add doors to the two bedrooms and the bathroom, but I was not able to figure out how to make doors work in Tiled (the map editor I used).  If anyone knows how to do this and wants to add the doors for me, I would be very grateful!!

I also have had some trouble with getting the warp into the farmhouse to work.  Rather than my character appearing at the door, he appears in the middle of the house.  Similarly, My spouse does not seem to know where the stove is.  If anyone knows how to fix these, I would appreciate the input.  

In order to Install:
Copy the Maps file into the maps folder in your Stardew Valley Content – Stardew Valley/Content/Maps
BE SURE TO BACKUP THE MAP FILES YOU ARE REPLACING!!! I did not do this once and I had to re-load my game from scratch. 
If you do forget to backup your map files though, I am including a backup file that you can download to get the original files back,  

Next, copy the Spouse Room Fix file into your Mods Folder. 
NOTE: this will not work if you do not copy the custom_spouse_room_nowalls.xnb file from the Maps folder.  

Then simply fire up the game and play with the new layout.  

I do recommend however that if you are playing on an existing game that you first remove all the furniture from your house before you install this.  Otherwise you will have furniture in the void that you have to try to get out.  

Compatible with:
– Ridgeside Village & SDV (the spouse room fix I got from Aimon111 included both Ridgeside Village and SVE)
– Attic for Farmhouse by redking1357 (https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10203)

Probably compatable with most other mods but I have not tested it.  

NOT COMPATABLE with any mods that change the maps included in this download.  

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