GTA 5: ATM Robberies Random Event Guide

Play the role of a Los Santos hero by stopping random thieves.

Random events in GTA 5 give the game world and its NPCs a sense of interaction. These events not only give you a deeper connection to the game world, but they also provide random loot, such as small amounts of cash, stat boosts, heist crew members, and vehicles.

ATM Robberies are just some of the many robbery events in GTA 5, where you stop thieves and retrieve stolen goods to get a small gift.

We have outlined everything you need to know about ATM Robberies in GTA 5 in this quick guide.

ATM Robberies Random Event

ATM Robberies in GTA 5 are random events where the player must help random NPCs after they have been robbed by other NPCs. Since these random events happen around ATMs in GTA 5, expect to encounter these events in places that have ATMs in the area.

Completing ATM Robberies Random Events will give players a simple reward: A fully recharged Special meter and 10% of the wallet’s cash.

ATM Robberies are some of the only Random Events that reoccur endlessly in GTA 5. These Random Events can happen randomly throughout GTA 5, so make sure you keep your eyes and ears peeled so you don’t miss them.

ATM Robberies Random Event Locations

There are six different ATM Robbery locations in GTA 5. These are:

Banham Canyon (Fleeca Bank)

Little Seoul

Little Seoul 2 (Xero Gas Station)

Pacific Bluffs (Xero Gas Station)

Vespucci Beach (Discount Store)

West Vinewood (Near Parking Lot)

How to complete ATM Robberies Random Events

If you find any ATM Robberies in the locations listed above, you can help the poor NPC by chasing after the thief and killing them.

Unfortunately, killing the poor thief is your only choice, as this is the only way they will drop the item they have stolen.

You will typically be inside a vehicle when these robberies occur, so just chase after the thief and ram into them to stop them.

Some thieves will have guns with them, so make sure you pin them down with your vehicle so they cannot retaliate. Kill them with a headshot to retrieve the stolen item.

After retrieving the stolen item, you can go back to the NPC and give the item back to them or run away and keep the money for yourself.

If you decide to return the money, you can get 10% of its total contents alongside a full Special meter recharge as a reward.

Playing Vigilante

ATM Robberies spawn endlessly in GTA 5, unlike other Random Events, which only occur once, which means you can get a steady stream of change from completing these simple missions in GTA 5.

Watch out for other NPCs calling for help accompanied by a small blue dot on your map to find the NPC in need, then chase after the offending thief to retrieve the stolen goods from them for some quick cash or a full Special bar’s worth of recharge.

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