Kick of the Spear – Fast-paced 1 and 2 player fighting game for the Commodore 64

We’ve featured a number of fighting games on the C64, from the previously previewed Street Fighter 2 Champion Edition to Monstro Giganto. Well here we are with another fighting game mention, as thanks to Saberman who gave us the shout out here on Indie Retro News, we’ve been told that Magovinna has released the fast paced 1 to 2 player fighting game of Kick of the Spear for the C64. In light of this news, Saberman has also done a video showing the game in action below.

Here is what the creator says about the game. ” Kick of the spear is a fast-paced 1 and 2 player fighting game for the Commodore 64. The game features large high resolution sprites, 6 individual characters fighting in a championship tournament, 1 & 2 player VS mode mixing any combination of the 6 fighters, digitized speech, a high score list and finally the game also includes an Instruction/Game Manual with back stories for all the characters.
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