Resident Evil 4’s knife parry is the best thing to happen to the series in 18 years

I love the Resident Evil 4 remake, even if there were a few things that rubbed me the wrong way⁠—I wish all those spiffy outfits (opens in new tab) were unlockables instead of paid DLC (I’m ashamed to admit that I coughed up five bucks for that bomber jacket), and The Mercenaries (opens in new tab) mode feels a little anemic and tacked on, awarding the super-endgame hidden Handcannon to practically anyone with a pulse. But there is one feature of the REM4KE that makes up for all that and more⁠: its sick as hell, Sekiro-style parry.

A quick tap of left bumper or space bar and Leon brings his every day carry-ass combat knife to bear, capable of blocking almost any enemy attack if timed correctly and opening enemies up for a devastating melee combo if you land a “perfect parry” in a tighter window. I highly recommend enabling the option that instead ties it to left click/right trigger outside of aiming down sights as well.

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