Tower of Fantasy characters | Pocket Tactics

While this title has many exciting features to pull you in, from its fast-paced combat to its massive map with heaps of locations to explore, the Tower of Fantasy characters are a true highlight. Whether you’re chatting to an NPC about a lost cat or pulling a playable simulacra from the banners, their designs, lore, and personalities are truly engaging.

The current roster of playable ToF characters, also known as simulacra, is relatively small, but we expect the list to grow in the future. They each boast a gorgeous design, intriguing bios, and powerful weapons, making pulling all of them extremely worthwhile. In this guide, we introduce you to each of the Tower of Fantasy Simulacra, and go into a few details about what makes them so special.

So let’s take a look at the Tower of Fantasy characters.

SR Tower of Fantasy characters

Ene (Oraphin)

Weapon: Pummeler (ice shell)

Bio: the first prototype of the private military contractor’s combat droids, Ene is a backup of the consciousness of the project owner’s daughter, who eventually earned the right to live as a human. She’s decisive and holds great, destructive power, but isn’t a fan of teamwork.

Favourite gifts: games, decorations, and toys

Tower of Fantasy Echo splash art


Weapon: Thunderous Halberd (volt)

Bio: Born in Warren Snowfield under the name Manaka, she dreamed of stepping out of the land of pure snow to see the rest of the world. After her shelter was destroyed when she was nine, leading to the death of her parents, she was rescued by a passing merchant and sent to a recovery facility in Banges. Since then, she has taken the role of a Wastewalker, embarking on a mission to punish evil and spread good.

Favourite gifts: everyday items, limited store items, games

Tower of Fantasy Pepper splash art

Pepper (Pei Pei)

Weapon: Staff of Scars (volt)

Bio: the descendent of a wealthy Banges family, Pepper is well educated and compassionate. Her parents succumbed to aberration and now live in confinement, and, since then, Pepper has worked in the medical department at Hykros, trying to work out a way to reverse the disease

Favourite gifts: everyday items, decorations, saved

Tower of Fantasy Hilda splash art


Weapon: The Terminator (ice shell)

Bio: A friendly but forgetful, gun-toting gal from Banges Port, her name is known by people all over town. She’s adored for her kindness and negotiation skills, leading to her near-celebrity status, and all the kids of the port love her.

Favourite gifts: limited store items, figurines, toys

Tower of Fantasy Tsubasa splash art

Bai Ling

Weapon: Nightingale’s Feather (grievous)

Bio: Bai Ling is the current leader of the HT201 Shelter, and is therefore in charge of its daily operation and combat command. However, she only took the role recently, and as such she still feels a little overwhelmed and flustered by all the responsibilities. Regardless, she’s considerate, responsible, meticulous, good at bookkeeping, and clearly has what it takes to ensure the shelter remains in good shape.

Favourite gifts: rare items, saved, decorations

SSR Tower of Fantasy characters

Tower of Fantasy character Alyss


Weapon: Unyielding Wing (ice shell)

Bio: Codenamed M-sec 2000, Alyss is a Special Forces Agent who recently joined the Security Force, and has already displayed unparalleled talents and hard work. Her outstanding simulation results have led her to taking part in the Security Force’s high-level missions.

Favorite gifts: saved, limited store items, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Annabella


Weapon: Clover Cross (flame)

Bio: Annabella is a mysterious girl who holds multiple part-time jobs to make a living. However, her appearance and unusual habits have led to her being dubbed one of the ‘seven great urban legends’ on Mirrorira’s anonymous forum, where users describe her as ‘the crimson vampire maid who lurks in the lower city’.

While this is entirely blown out of proportion, she does feel a bit like a vampire in some regards – though, in reality, she’s probably just an ordinary person who’s talented at shooter games and talks a bit weirdly.

Favorite gifts: decorations, rare items, games, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Claudia


Weapon: Guren Blade (grievous)

Bio: A righteous, dominant, and fierce lady, Claudia certainly isn’t the type of person you want to mess with. She’s heralded as the captain and commander of all heroes and is known to strike fear into the hearts of her enemies – right before she slices them in two with her powerful, one-handed sword, of course. However, she can be indecisive and has a secret love for cats. Check out our Tower of Fantasy Claudia build to find out more.

Favourite gifts: everyday items, rare items, decorations

Tower of Fantasy character Cobalt-B


Weapon: Flaming Revolver (flame)

Bio: A mechanical engineer on the Hykros weapon development team, Cobalt-B may not be too high up on the corporate ladder due to her poor test results, but those around her know that she’s the real ace of the entire team.

She doesn’t care about basic theories, instead creating effective weapons based on instincts alone. To test these weapons and gather combat data, she occasionally goes on operations with other soldiers and lets loose on poor Hyena members. Check out our Tower of Fantasy Cobalt B build to find out more.

Favorite gifts: metal items, saved, limited store items

Tower of Fantasy character Cocoritter


Weapon: Absolute Zero (ice shell)

Bio: A sweet and innocent young lady, Cocoritter specializes in taking care of her allies through her healing staff and abilities. She adores the snow and has a huge passion for penguins (who can blame her? They’re adorable). Check out our Tower of Fantasy Cocoritter build to find out more.

Favorite gifts: toys, decorations, rare items

Tower of Fantasy character Crow


Weapon: Thunderblades (volt)

Bio: A powerful, quick, and cunning assassin, Crow is faster than the lightning he wields, and seeks to punish evildoers and cleanse them of their sins. He’s optimistic, is a sucker for cats, and often hides at night, lurking in the shadows as he plans out his next move.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy Crow build guide for more info on him and his weapon.

Favorite gifts: everyday items, figurines, limited store items

Tower of Fantasy character Fenrir


Weapon: Gleipnir (volt)

Bio: Fenrir is a top DJ at Mirroria’s Entertainment Center who loves death metal. She’s active, cute, and always charges headfirst into everything – cheering on her fans and passers by alike.

However, beneath her cutesy, ditzy persona that her fans have come to love, she’s also the boss of Team Doggo in the Casino, and appears to be intricately connected to the internal powers of the city. There’s a lot more to this sweet girl than meets the eye – and the ear, for that matter.

Favorite gifts: toys, saved, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Fiona


Weapon: Moonstar Bracelet (altered)

Bio: Fiona is the Archon of Vera’s underwater city of Innars, and is both well-loved and deeply respected by her people as she leads them to a brighter future. Able and composed, she’s an excellent judge of situations, and can logically come up with strategies to deal with any crisis her city faces.

As a former Executor of Hykros, she earned her position as Archon of Innars through her outstanding leadership and, while her days completing combat missions may be far in the past, she would happily draw her weapons once again if Innars were ever under threat.

Favorite gifts: decorations, saved, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Frigg


Weapon: Balmung (volt)

Bio: Frigg is one of the Angels of Clemency. The Heirs of Ada reconstructed her body into Machinery of living metal so she could stand against the invasion of radiation without a suppressor. She’s a helper to the sage, and obeys every order without condition.

She’s also a core officer with the power to lead the troops of the Heirs of Aida, but she generally prefers to act alone where possible. Check out our Tower of Fantasy Frigg build to find out more.

Favorite gifts: metal items, everyday items

Tower of Fantasy character Gnonno


Weapon: Mini Hurricane (grievous)

Bio: Gnonno is the proud granddaughter of Nuok, a member of the exploration team that discovered Innars, and aspires to become an excellent explorer just like him. However, she’s come to be known as quite the energetic troublemaker, and is always on the hunt for something fun to do – in fact, the only person capable of reeling in her adventurous spirit is Archon Fiona.

Restless and impatient, she’s always off exploring the complicated seas around Innars. Unfortunately, sometimes investigating mysteries only opens the door to more…

Favorite gifts: rare items saved, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Huma


Weapon: Molten Shield V2 (flame)

Bio: Huma is under the medical care of Hykros after contracting a rare disease that made her develop superhuman strength. Despite being quite an introvert, nothing can stop her when she puts her mind to something.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy Huma guide to find out more.

Favorite gifts: everyday items, games, decorations

Tower of Fantasy character Icarus


Weapon: Precious One (ice shell)

Bio: Icarus is a polite and modest young man who comes from a renowned family. However, despite his gentle image, he has an iron will and an extraordinary strategic mind – so much so that Hykros’ Archon once tasked him to lead the Mooke Squad and pursue the Abyssants all the way into Innars.

Members of the squad describe him as a steady, dependable leader, but one who prefers to work alone. On the other hand, classified reports state that he’s a troublesome wildcard, with one squad member stating that ‘for some reason, every time he laughs, it gives me the chills’. Guess he’s proof that you should never judge a book by its cover, huh?

Favorite gifts: saved, metal items, Aesperia, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character King


Weapon: Scythe of the Crow (flame)

Bio: A straight-talking, no-nonsense brawler, King is known to be extremely bold and brash, and is always ready to resort to violence at the drop of a hat. He’s tough and committed when on a mission, but rarely has a penny to his name despite all the fights he wins.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy King build guide for more info on him and his weapon.

Favorite gifts: saved, rare items, limited store items

Tower of Fantasy character Lan


Weapon: Vermillion Bird (flame)

Bio: Lan emerged from an unknown dimensional passage claiming to be from Domain 9 – a region not registered in the Hykros database – to assist with the Grayspace Entity problem. She sports eccentric clothes and a headpiece in the shape of a fiery bird, attacking with a strange umbrella that unleashes enormous amounts of energy.

Her naive and cheerful appearance makes her very approachable, and she shows a great interest in food and traveling. However, those around her can’t help but feel like she’s hiding some secrets beneath the surface.

Favorite gifts: rare items, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Lin


Weapon: Shadoweave (altered)

Bio: The only daughter of Mirroria’s previous local Archon Harunobu, Lin seems to have been groomed to be his successor since birth. She’s not taken the seat yet, but popular opinion already favors her as the next Archon in line – thanks in no small part to her great popularity from the central district to the lower city.

Having gone through rigorous combat training since childhood, Lin is a highly adept fighter, and is far more suited to the front lines than pushing pens in an office. Check out our Tower of Fantasy Lin build guide to find out more.

Favorite gifts: metal items, decorations, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Lyra


Weapon: Vesper (grievous)

Bio: Lyra is the sole heir to Ms. Maidelin, a renowned contributor to many technology fields, and exhibits a similar attitude when it comes to administration. She has a working partnership with Hykros and holds a certain influence in its hierarchy, but she maintains a low-profile so very few people are aware of her position.

Favorite gifts: everyday items, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Meryl


Weapon: Rosy Edge (ice shell)

Bio: The senior executor of Hykros, Meryl’s outstanding combat skills have enabled her to excel in even the most dangerous of missions. She can seem a little frosty as she keeps her distance from everyone and attempts to hide her feelings, but she’s far from emotionless.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy Meryl build guide for more info on her and her weapon.

Favorite gifts: saved, rare items

Tower of Fantasy character Nemesis


Weapon: Venus (volt)

Bio: Nemesis suffered mutation, then underwent Heirs of Aida’s modifications, becoming an Angel of Clemency. She’s usually quiet and introverted, but becomes a merciless killing machine under the Heirs of Aida leader Sage’s mind control.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy Nemesis build for a full guide on her and her weapon.

Favorite gifts: toys, decorations, everyday items

Tower of Fantasy character Rubilia


Weapon: Lost Art (volt)

Bio: Rubilia is a doctor who acted as the former head of the Listener Project, and is once again participating in Grayspace Entity studies – this time in the form of an Abyssant, though very few people know of this due to her special status.

The general public still remembers her as an exceptional researcher and promising scientist who many couldn’t help but admire, follow, and firmly believe in. Unfortunately, she faded away before attaining all the achievements she was working for.

Favorite gifts: decorations, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Ruby


Weapon: Spark (flame)

Bio: Part human and part Grayspace Entity, Ruby is a young girl who travels alongside Lin. She’s quite weak and sickly, and carries her stuffed toy ‘Dolly’ with her everywhere she goes. Lin is currently putting her through combat training for self-protection, and as such is much healthier than she used to be.

She’s quite naive and only has a vague understanding of the world, but Lin is trying to cultivate her independence and help her grow. Check out our Tower of Fantasy Ruby build to find out more.

Favorite gifts: games, toys, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Saki Fuwa

Saki Fuwa

Weapon: Heartstream (ice shell)

Bio: Saki Fuwa is the Captain of the Mirroria Security Special Forces, the user of the Super Flow, and the wielder of twin Tachi blades. She wears a kendo outfit indicative of her fighting style, and is one of the very few members in charge of protecting Mirroria without any bionic modifications.

Favorite gifts: metal items, everyday items, Vera


Weapon: Dual EM Stars (volt)

Bio: Laidback and free-spirited, Samir may seem chill, but she’s also the top gunslinger in the land – even among elite Executors. She also has a bit of a wild side, and enjoys playing jokes and pranks on others.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy Samir build guide for more info on her and her weapon.

Favorite gifts: games, toys

Tower of Fantasy character Shiro


Weapon: Chakram of the Seas (grievous)

Bio: Shiro is a laser-focused scientist with a great passion for the sea – good luck getting close to her if you don’t share her aquatic interests. She managed to alter a key gear on a desalination device, resulting in her defensive weapon that’s super tough and resilient.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy Shiro build guide for more info on her and her weapon.

Favorite gifts: metal items, saved, rare items

Tower of Fantasy character Tian Lang

Tian Lang

Weapon: Thunderbreaker (volt)

Bio: Also known as Sirius, Tian Lang is an employee of Mirroria Nursery with a big passion for flowers. He’s responsible for the promotion and daily care of plants at the nursery, and has earned himself the nickname of ‘manager’.

However, beneath this soft, green-thumbed exterior, Tian Lang possesses an unfathomable strength. He is in fact the top Executor of District 7, and is considered their ‘ace in the hole’ who only acts when Mirroria is in crisis.

Favorite gifts: saved, decorations, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Tsubasa


Weapon: Icewind Arrow (ice shell)

Bio: Tsubasa is a former Hykros employee, ex-Hyena officer, and, more recently, a part of the Heirs of Aida. Highly skilled beyond her years, she’s a talkative and opportunistic individual, always keeping her fingers on the pulse to ensure she’s always ‘where it’s buzzing’. Check out our Tower of Fantasy Tsubasa build to find out more.

Favorite gifts: figurines, limited store items, rare items

Tower of Fantasy character Umi


Weapon: Mobius (grievous)

Bio: Always bursting with energy, Umi is a newly-appointed Executor in charge of guarding the outpost. When she isn’t working, she spends much of her time practicing magic tricks, as she hopes to inject some fun into the otherwise dull routine life of guarding the site. Little does she know, regardless of what she’s up to, she brings plenty of color to the lives of those around her.

Favorite gifts: toys, Vera

Tower of Fantasy character Zero


Weapon: Negating Cube (flame)

Bio: A super-intelligent computer whizz who appears to be about 15 years old, Zero has destroyed all traces of his real name and personal information. He’s sharp and witty, and has a fierce competitive streak, leading him to ignore anything he sees as meaningless.

Check out our Tower of Fantasy Zero build for a full guide on him and his weapon.

Favorite gifts: games, limited store items

Tower of Fantasy official art showing Frigg and Nemesis in a grey, chaotic zone

Other Tower of Fantasy characters


ToF’s answer to Genshin’s Paimon, Mia is your robotic sidekick who follows you everywhere. Abandoned by her previous owner, Zeke found her while out on his travels and brought her back to the Astra Shelter to give Shirli a helping hand. Her chips are a little scrambled, which sometimes leads to dialogue glitches, but her mechanical heart is always in the right place.


Shirli is an optimistic, upbeat, and outgoing young girl with a reckless streak. She helps you when you first arrive unconscious at the shelter, and as such, you form a strong bond with her. She aspires to be a strong, problem solver capable of helping others like her big brother, Zeke.


Shirli’s big brother and leader of the Astra Shelter, Zeke carries a heavy weight of responsibility as he feels responsible for protecting everyone around him. He can come across as a little cold and emotionless, but he’s fiercely protective of Shirli, who is his only living relative (and the only person capable of cracking his resolve).


Right hand of the Sage and an Angel of Clemency, Frigg follows her master unconditionally. She’s straightforward and has a unique philosophy and outlook on life.

That’s everything we know about all the Tower of Fantasy characters at the moment. We’ll be sure to update this guide if any new information comes out, or if Hotta Studio announces any fresh Tower of Fantasy Simulacra. In the meantime, head over to our list of the best games like Genshin Impact to find a new world to explore.

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