Sonic the Hedgehog 3 looks set to start filming Aug. 2023

The reveal of the original Sonic the Hedgehog movie didn’t go over well at all, as people were extremely upset about the design of Sonic. Surprisingly, the powers that be listened to the people and took Sonic’s look back to the drawing board. That resulted in a design people seemed to enjoy, which paved the way for box office success.
That first film was quickly followed by a sequel that brought in an even bigger audience, and in turn, a boost in profits. After that, a spin-off series was announced for Paramount+, alongside confirmation of a third film, which is set to arrive Dec. 20th, 2024.
In order to make that Dec. 2024 release, filming will need to start up quite soon. While SEGA and Paramount haven’t made an official announcement, production sheets show the movie as kicking off filming in August 2023. That could end up shifting due to the writers strike, but only time will tell.