Deadhead – A neat looking preview of a sooped up Defender style of game has been recovered! ( C64 )

In the early 1980’s an Arcade game released by Williams Electronics was to become one of the most important titles of the golden age of video arcade games selling over 55,000 units. That game was Defender; a side scrolling shooter featuring 2D graphics as you defend astronauts against wave after wave of alien enemies. In fact it was so popular that we have seen many Defender style of games and even clones released throughout the years and it’s why we are also mentioning this latest find called ‘Deadhead’: A neat looking preview of a sooped up Defender style of game which has been recovered!  (C64).

In brief this is what the excellent website Gamesthatweren’t says about the recovery. ” Deadhead was done as a small project whilst Wayne and Anthony were working on another project. Wayne originally posted all of his disks across, which is when we found Deadhead. The game was almost completed, and features a standard Defender style of game, an asteroid belt sub level and a end of level guardian. There was also to be a Paradroid style level integrated, but this seems to have been dropped for reasons unknown”.

Amiga Version : “We did however recover a preview which shows an early test scroll for the lost level and some block graphics from some Amiga disks”.

Links :1) Source  2) Amiga HOL

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