Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers invades the world of Xbox

squad 51 vs the flying saucers on xbox
Squad 51 vs the Flying Saucers is finally on Xbox

We initially heard of Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers back in the earliest moments of 2021 when it was being touted as Squadron 51. That release never materialised, and neither did the 2022 push as a name change came about. But slowly and surely WhisperGames and Assemble Entertainment have managed to move Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers into the mainnstream. It first launched on other platforms, and now comes to invade the world of Xbox. 

Take to the skies

Available right now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S (seemingly with no optimisation) is Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers. This is a shoot ’em up in which you play as a pilot of Squadron 51 as they look to take it to the fleets of alien invaders. Expect a host of bullet-hell action taking place. 

Priced at £16.74, Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers isn’t your every day budget SHMUP. But it certainly looks interesting. Running a rather unique visual style, this one most definitely stands out from the crowd, with some really fun ideas. The question is, do you skills allow for success?

Some eleven stages are found in Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers, as is the opportunity to take to things with dynamic difficulty. When you consider the uniquely cinematic visual experience, and the chance to go at it with a friend, there should be much to love about how Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers plays out. 

Key Features

The feature set is pretty much all you need to worry about with Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers…

  • CLASSIC GAMEPLAY – Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers is a SHOOT ‘EM UP! game with four different aircrafts to play and set up with special weapons.
  • CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE – Glorious black-and-white aesthetics, live-action FMV sequences and dubbed voices will tell the story of the battle between the Squadron 51 and Director Zarog’s alien supremacy.
  • 11 LEVELS – Fight against enemy ships and bosses in many different environments – snowy mountains, forests, cityscapes and many others.
  • DYNAMIC DIFFICULTY – No matter you are a rookie or a veteran shooting star, the game supports dynamic difficulty which allows every pilot to enjoy.
  • LOCAL MULTIPLAYER – Feeling lonely against Aliens? Invite a friend! A second player can enter a level any time. Earn points with your friend and unlock together new special weapons and upgrades.

Get shootin’

Sold on this shoot ’em up? Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers is on the Xbox Store right this very minute. Go and grab it, playing on Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S consoles. 

You’ll also find it on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch too. 

Want a review? We’ll get one sorted soon. 

Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers on Xbox Game Description

Warning! Extraterrestrials from outer space arrived in our planet bringing promises of a bright new future for the earthlings. However, this intergalactic partnership soon reveals its darker side as the VEGA CORPORATION, the alien enterprise led by the hideous DIRECTOR ZAROG, is imposing its predatory politics on the human kind. In the midst of this oppression, the rebel group Squadron 51 rises as a response against the violent acts spread by these inhuman beings. Will the brave pilots of Squadron 51 and their aircrafts stand a chance against the Zarog’s diabolic fleet of flying saucers? Join the rebel cause as LIEUTENANT KAYA, facing flying saucers, alien fighters and monsters in the skies of the 1950’s! Remember: the future of the Earth is in your hands!

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