SPACE RESCUE IN JUPITER – A new Amstrad CPC game by Altanerus Dog
Something slightly different for this evening instead of all the Commodore 64 games we’ve been featuring, as we’ve just been contacted by both Saberman and Xenomorph, that as of just recently you can download the latest release of SPACE RESCUE IN JUPITER for the Amstrad CPC by Altanerus Dog. A new Basic 1.0 game in which you must rapidly traverse the upper layers of the Jupiter atmosphere to rescue miners trapped below.
As ever, here’s what the website says about SPACE RESCUE IN JUPITER: “In 2070 the earth’s energy resources are not sufficient for the great demand for a booming overpopulation, new technologies and materials have allowed the extraction of energy in the upper layers of the Jupiter atmosphere. Occasionally, in the mining-energy complexes that exist spread across the planet, accidents occur, your mission is to rescue the miners if they need it. Control the descent of your ship by dodging the overheated plasma clouds, to land on the platforms and collect the capsules to take them to the space station”
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