Are you glad that Microsoft now owns Activision?

There are some incredibly obvious benefits to Activision joining team green, with their massive library of games coming to Game Pass in the future being the most obvious win for us. It will eventually mean the ousting of controversial* Bobby Kotick from the CEO position at Activision too, which certainly puts a smile on my face (even if he is going to get a payout big enough to buy Belgium when he exits).
On the flip side, all these shiny new games on Game Pass will certainly lead to the service getting more expensive in the future. We’ve already had one Game Pass price hike earlier this year, and there will come a tipping point where Game Pass stops being the 2010 Netflix of games and starts being the 2023 Netflix of games. Honestly, I’d rather Game Pass stays at the price it’s at now and Activision keeps their parade of mediocre games.
But what do you guys think? Am I being a pessimist? Are you excited to see Activision games rocking up in Game Pass, or would you rather Microsoft had invested its time and money elsewhere?
*I resisted using spicier language here.