Flashback 2 blasts onto Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC

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Flashback 2 is on Xbox, PlayStation and PC

Some three decades back Flashback burst onto the scene. For many, it revolutionised the gaming scene, gathering up critical acclaim as it went. Back now Flashback is, well, back, as Flashback 2 releases on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC.

Flashback is back…

From Microids and Paul Cuisset, the creator of the original game, Flashback 2 on Xbox, PlayStation and PC will thrust you back into the life of Conrad B. Hart.

He’s the hero who first came to prominence back in 1992. This time around you find yourself slapbang in the middle of the 22nd century, all as the United Worlds starts to extend through the solar system. Unfortunately the peace and ideals of life are being threatened, all by the Morph, led by one General Lazarus. 

It’s here where Conrad once again comes to the fore. As he goes in search of his lifelong friend Ian. Expect to be found diving once again into an action-packed adventure full of twists, turns and revelations, all with the help of Conrad’s allies and AI-powered weapon A.I.S.H.A. 

Game features

  • Immerse yourself in a vibrant sci-fi/cyberpunk universe and visit multiple environments (New Tokyo, New Washington, the Jungle…)
  • Use A.I.S.H.A., a lethal adaptive weapon enhanced with combat AI.
  • A gripping, fluid and intricate platform shooter. – A 3D environment for even deeper immersion.
  • Designed and developed by the creator of the original, Paul Cuisset.
  • The cult game is back with a boost.
  • A thrilling and intricate action-shooter.
  • A potent and adaptive AI-powered weapon.
  • A sci-fi universe true to the original Flashback.

Play now on Xbox, PlayStation or PC

Flashback 2 runs at a price of £33.49 from the Xbox Store. From there, you can play on Xbox Series X|S. It’s also on PlayStation 5 and PC. 

Expect to find Flashback 2 rolling out and playable on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in Q1 2024 too. 

Need a review? We’ll get on that train… 

Flashback 2 on Xbox Game Description

In 1992, Flashback revolutionized action gaming and gained legendary status, ranking among the 100 best video games in history. Today, Paul Cuisset, the creator of the original game, invites you to play again as Conrad B. Hart, the young agent of the GBI (Galactic Bureau of Investigation).

In the 22nd century, the peace of the United Worlds extends throughout the Solar System — but this tranquility is threatened by the Morph invasion led by the fearsome General Lazarus.

In search of his lifelong friend, Ian, and with the help of his few allies — including A.I.S.H.A., his iconic AI-powered weapon — Conrad, once again, dives into a heart-pounding adventure full of twists, turns and revelations!

A gripping, fluid and intricate platform shooter, including exploration, puzzle solving and, of course, adventure! 

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