Trans Pride Transportalponder at Fallout New Vegas

About this mod
Alternate appearance for the Big Mountain Transportalponder featuring iconic pink and light blue transgender pride colors. The device also has upscaled textures with high quality metal and glass materials.
Permissions and credits
If you were wondering, yes, I made this because the Big Mountain Transportalponder technically has the word trans in it. This is not meant to undermine anyone’s identity; this mod is a lighthearted joke and a way for me to practice weapon texture replacers. Any rude, hateful, or offensive comments will be removed and/or reported (if necessary). This is your first warning.
Teleport in style with new transgender pride themed colors for the Big Mountain Transportalponder. This alternate design features a light pink back casing, replacing the original orange color. The clear glass top of the device is light blue, replacing the deep aqua-colored blue in the original design. The red trigger has also been replaced with a light pink color. A chrome finish on the upper back metal piece replaces the original bronze material.
Install the latest main file. For manual installation, extract the file to your game’s data folder. For a mod manager installation, install the file with your preferred mod manager.
This mod will conflict with mods that make changes to the Big Mountain Transportalponder meshes and textures.
This mod currently has no known issues or major bugs. Submitting a bug report or leaving a comment will help me fix things faster if the mod is not working as intended.
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