Mythos of Skyrim – Unearthed Legends at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus

Base Game:
MQ105Horn – An emblem of the Voice, this horn belonged to the founder of the Greybeards, a call to all who would walk the path of the Thu’um.
MQ103Dragonstone – A relic from ancient Nord times, etched with the language of dragons, it holds the key to understanding their long-lost power.

MS12WhitePhialDamaged – Once a symbol of alchemical mastery, now a fragile shell, its cracks a somber reminder of the impermanence of greatness.
MS12WhitePhial – This ancient vessel, once shattered and now restored, holds remnants of its last draught. A marvel of alchemy, it awaits to be replenished by its mysterious, regenerative power.
MS06PotemasSkull – The remains of the Wolf Queen, a macabre relic of her dark reign, it whispers of necromancy and a thirst for power unquenched by death.

TGLT07GrayFoxBust – A likeness in stone of the legendary Gray Fox, its gaze holds the cunning and secrets of the Thieves Guild’s most enigmatic leader.
TG08SkeletonKey – An unbreakable lockpick, a tool of infinite potential, its form a symbol of Nocturnal’s favor and the elusive nature of luck itself.
TG08EyeoftheFalmerRight – The right eye, a gem of unparalleled craftsmanship, reflects the glory and the tragic downfall of the Falmer. Its brilliance speaks of a bygone era of prosperity now buried in shadow.
TGLT08EyeoftheFalmerLeft – This left eye, a gleaming gemstone, once beheld the ancient splendor of the Snow Elves. Its deep blue hue mirrors the lost wisdom and sorrow of a fallen race.

TGCrownGemInventory – More than just a gem, this stone pulsates with an odd energy, as if it is a piece of a larger, unseen puzzle.
TGCrown01 – A crown reborn from fragments of history, its gems seem to dance with an inner light. To the discerning eye, it promises secrets of the land, whispering of hidden treasures yet to be uncovered.

DA09Gem – A crystal emitting an ethereal glow, it calls out to those chosen by Meridia, a guiding light against the darkness.
DA01AzurasStarBroken – A shattered remnant of a Daedric artifact, its surface cracked, as if struggling to contain the immense power that once filled its starry void.
DA04DweLexiconCubeRunes01 – A cube of ancient Dwemer metal, its surfaces etched with a forgotten language, holding the key to lost knowledge.
DA04Extractor – A sinister tool of Dwemer make, designed to drain the very essence of life, its cold metal surface untouched by time.
DA04AttunementSphere – A Dwemer artifact, its surface etched with intricate runes. When activated, it hums with a deep resonance, aligning unseen energies to reveal pathways hidden deep within the earth.

MehrunesRazorBlade – The blade of Mehrunes’ Razor, impossibly sharp and dark as night. It whispers of a thousand fates severed, a fragment of a Daedric Prince’s cruelty.
MehrunesRazorGem – This gem, set to adorn Mehrunes’ Razor, pulses with a malevolent light. It seems to gaze into one’s soul, a window to realms best left unexplored.
MehrunesRazorHilt – The hilt of Mehrunes’ Razor, cold to the touch. Its intricate design speaks of an ancient, unholy craftsmanship, a foreboding grip that promises power and betrayal.
MehrunesRazorScabbard – This scabbard, destined to sheath Mehrunes’ Razor, is adorned with ominous symbols. It holds not just the blade but the dark history of its blood-soaked legacy.

FVDQuill – An elegant quill lost to the depths of Lake Honrich, its ink seems to never run dry, a testament to the craft of Valunstrad.
sigilStone – Glowing with a malevolent light, this stone is a bridge to Oblivion, a conduit for summoning the unspeakable.
C04HagravenHead – A grotesque trophy from the Glenmoril Witches, their eyes still seem to hold a fading curse, a remnant of their dark power.
T03EldergleamSap – Drawn from the ancient Eldergleam Tree, this sap hums with a deep, natural magic, resonating with the life force of Skyrim itself.
T03EldergleamSapling – A young offshoot from the Eldergleam, its leaves shimmer with a gentle light, promising new growth and the continuation of an age-old legacy.
SolitudeToryggWarHorn – A symbol of the fallen High King Torygg, this horn resonates with the turmoil and the political strife of Skyrim.
BalbusForkNonEquip – An unassuming fork, yet treasured by its owner for its association with the culinary arts. Its tines, though simple, have sampled dishes that span the breadth of Skyrim’s diverse cuisine.
MG07Keystone – A mystical artifact bound to the ancient Nordic ruins of Labyrinthian, resonating with the whispers of long-forgotten spells and the murmurs of dragon priests.
FFRiften11Mark – A symbol of the Goddess of Beauty, this token reflects both a sacred pledge and the complex interplay of affection and charm that weaves through the hearts of Skyrim’s people.

Dawnguard DLC:
DLC1LD_AetheriumShard – A fragment of Aetherium, radiating a mysterious energy. It’s a piece of a larger puzzle, hinting at the technological marvels of the lost Dwemer.

PortalGemBlueKey – Blue as the deepest ocean, this sapphire paragon reveals passages to once tranquil sanctuaries, guiding to places of past peace and abundance.
PortalGemGreenKey – Verdant and deep, the emerald paragon opens ways to lands where nature’s heart beats strongest, revealing secrets as old as the earth.
PortalGemOrangeKey – With its fiery glow, the ruby paragon unlocks paths to domains of untamed beauty and power, echoing with the pulse of ancient secrets.
PortalGemPurpleKey – This paragon, imbued with the hue of dusk, unlocks paths to places where the veil between day and night is thinnest, a gateway to twilight’s hidden wonders.
PortalGemWhiteKey – Clear and radiant, this diamond paragon illuminates paths to forgotten depths, leading the way to icy secrets and hidden riches encased in time.

sc_ArvakSkullUNIQUE – The skull of Arvak, a loyal steed lost in the Soul Cairn. Even in death, it radiates a longing for freedom and a return to the world of the living.
CasSecEntranceCrestHM – One half of a greater whole, this crest, shaped like a crescent moon, seems to hum with a power that beckons to the depths of the night sky.
CasSecEntranceCrestFM – Shaped in the full moon’s image, this crest radiates a serene yet potent energy, echoing the celestial force of the moon at its zenith.
CasSecEntranceCrestCM – Carved with the likeness of a waxing moon, its purpose as enigmatic as the moon’s own phases.

DLC1LD_AetheriumCrest – Forged from rare Aetherium shards, this crest is a key to the ancient Dwemer’s most guarded secrets, pulsing with a blue light that echoes through the ages.
DLC1VQ07InitiatesEwer – A sacred vessel used in the pilgrimage of the Chantry of Auri-El. It’s a testament to the initiate’s journey, holding not just water, but also the weight of devotion and perseverance.
DLC1VQ03MagicWidget – An arcane tool of the ancient Falmer, this focus is a key to the Weystones. It whispers of a time when the Snow Elves harnessed powers now long forgotten.

DLC01SoulCairnReaperFragment – A shard imbued with enigmatic power, its dark aura hinting at a purpose intertwined with the shadowy realms of death. It seems to be a part of something greater, a key to an ominous ritual.

Dragonborn DLC:
DLC2DweKagrumezControlGemInv – A rare gem that resonates with the hidden chambers of Kagrumez. Its harmonic vibrations are the key to unlocking trials of strength and wit.

DLC2dunNchardakCube – An ancient Dwemer device, its surfaces etched with arcane symbols. When activated, it manipulates the intricate mechanisms of Dwemer ruins, a key to their long-lost technology.
DLC2HeartStone – A pulsating stone, found in the ash-covered lands of Solstheim. It throbs with a strange energy, reminiscent of the Red Mountain’s fiery heart.
DLC2TTR3aAshExtractor – A specialized tool designed for extracting the essence of Ash Spawns. Its existence speaks to the ingenuity needed to thrive in a land shadowed by volcanic ash and ancient secrets.
DLC2dunKarstaagSkullItem – The skull of the legendary frost giant, Karstaag. It exudes a chill that seems to transcend death, a remnant of a formidable and ancient power.
DLC2dunHaknirTreasureMap – A map leading to the storied treasures of Haknir Death-Brand, the legendary pirate king. It speaks of riches hidden across Solstheim, waiting to be claimed by a worthy adventurer.

Originally Posted on www.nexusmods.com

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