Meeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrry Christmas! – WGB, Home of AWESOME Reviews

It’s that wonderful time of the year again, when we all come together to bask in the fact that Jim Carrey is once again prancing around on TV as the Grinch, chomping his way through the scenery like it’s made of gingerbread. You go, you crazy green bastard.
Anyway, not all of you celebrate Christmas but I do, so I trust that you’ll all take this the right way, with love, when I say Merry Christmas to each and every one of you. Regardless of what this holiday means to you, I hope it’s a fantastic day filled with laughter and love, good food and family, and a giant pile of gaming swag.
I’ll do a proper end-of-year speech thingy and wrap up when we hit the New Year and officially enter 2024, which based on how things have been going so far will presumably be the year when all of this is finally revealed to be some bat-shit crazy simulation being run by ancient and very bored aliens.
As an old man in his 30s and obviously, far past his prime, Christmas is no longer about the presents. I mean, those are awesome and I have my fingers crossed a couple of games under the tree. But it’s really about the atmosphere and getting to hang out with family and watch my nieces unwrap their presents.
So right now I’m closing out Christmas Even with Violent Night, a movie about Santa Claus going Die-Hard on some dudes, and looking forward to an awesome meal tomorrow cooked by my fantastic mum. And no doubt I’ll pick up a controller at some point and maybe see if I can catch up on a few of the games I’ve missed this year.
Have a great day, everyone. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.