Halo is getting a Warhammer 40K-style miniatures game

UK-based tabletop studio Mantic Games has announced that it’s partnering up with 343 Industries to launch a brand-new Halo miniature game, coming later this year.

Details on the game are light at the moment, but we do know that it will be in 40mm scale, which is quite large for a miniatures game — Warhammer 40K is 28mm scale, for reference. The recently released Star Wars Shatterpoint uses 40mm models, so that’s probably a good reference for the quality and quantity of models that we can expect in the game i.e. fewer models on the table, but more detail packed into each miniature.

Mantic will be sharing more details “soon”, with the first preview of the new game coming in March.

“We are thrilled to team up with Mantic Games to bring a new Halo tabletop game to fans in 2024”, said John Friend, Head of Halo and Xbox Consumer Products. “Mantic is a leader in tabletop gaming, and their quality and experience show through in all their work. I’m most excited in this case about their passion for the Halo franchise and for bringing Halo gameplay to tabletop gaming in an incredibly authentic way.”

On Mantic’s side, their CEO and founder, Ronnie Renton, said that “We’re extremely excited to be partnering with 343 Industries on bringing Halo to tabletops everywhere. Having a firefight play out on the table while moving Spartans in and out of cover connects players to the action in a new and special way. We have a thrilling and competitive game, from a passionate team of talented sculptors, artists, and designers who have been building an incredible Halo experience.”

As our resident 40K nerd, I’m thrilled to hear that 343 is taking another crack at a Halo miniature game. There have previously been a couple of attempts at this — Halo Ground Command was a 15mm ground combat game that launched back in 2016, and before that there was 2015’s Halo: Fleet Battles which was a Battlefleet Gothic-style spaceship combat game.

I missed out on both of these as they came and went before I got back into miniature gaming, but I’m excited to see what this new game has to offer, and dreading the prospect of adding yet more unpainted plastic to my pile of shame.

What about you? Willing to put down the controller and pick up some dice, or will you be sticking to the Halo video games? Let us know in the comments below.

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