There’s a lot more beating people to death with a baseball bat in this computer repair shop sim than I expected

I never really gave much thought to it, but a computer repair business would be an excellent place to run a criminal enterprise. You’re handing your precious PC to a complete stranger to fix it, but who’s to say what else they’ll do while they have access to your box of electronic goodies? They could snoop through your files, steal your data, secretly install malicious programs, or even replace a nice bit of your hardware with a crummy substitute.

I’ve already done all of that in the first couple hours of first-person sim Computer Repair Shop, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg (the iceberg in this metaphor is crime). For instance, how many people would you guess I’ve beaten to death with a baseball bat in this computer repair sim? Did you guess four? If you guessed four, you are correct. It’s four.

Originally posted by www.pcgamer.com


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