Game Pass’ Inkulinati gets full Xbox release date, achievements to retroactively unlock
We’ve been lucky enough to talk to developer Yaza Games several times during Inkulinati’s development. While its Game Preview launch has meant we haven’t yet had the Inkulinati achievements, Yaza Games producer Ryszard Kieltyka confirmed that the Inkulinati achievements will retroactively unlock. Here’s a key part of what Kieltyka had to say about that:
“For all folks interested in getting that precious Gamerscore — you can safely start playing Inkulinati from the moment it comes out to Game Preview and your progress will eventually count towards collecting those achievements in the 1.0 version of the game. When we add achievements support in the future, for example if one of the achievements will be to ‘defeat the X boss’ — if you indeed defeated this boss during Game Preview when no achievements were available, you will receive that achievement as soon as achievements become available in the 1.0 release. Since player game progress/data is tracked regardless of achievements being live, achievements will retroactively unlock for all players who met the respective criteria for each achievement. So no need to worry about having to redo everything all over again!”
If you’re interested in learning more about what the achievements might be like, we’ve learned that Inkulinati carries its refusal to take itself seriously over into its achievements — according to Yaza Games, “We can’t let seriousness invade achievements”.
Inkulinati launches in full later this month on February 22.