Conscript Walkthrough – Chapter 1

Welcome to the Into Indie Games walkthrough for Conscript.

This walkthrough is presently based on the game’s 2024 demo. It will be updated to cover the full game when the full game releases.

For more information on Conscript beyond this walkthrough, check out the official website.

General Tips

  1. Run away. A lot.
  2. The Rifle is highly inaccurate at close range, if you do use it – maintain distance.
  3. Dodge rolling is your friend, but watch your stamina gauge.
  4. If you see a shadow in the trenches, that area is about to get bombed – run.
  5. Consult your map often – especially once you are on the frontlines.

After selecting the parameters of the game, you enter the game. Watch the intro cutscene.

Chapter 1: Some Disrupted Barricade

The chapter starts with a letter and sets up the context for the game. Head straight down and exit the room. Go to the far left of the trench you are in and you can pick up 5 Smokes from a crate. The door next to it needs a key.

The room on top here cannot be passed through as it is barricaded. Go slightly to the right and walk to the top in the dining hall. Go to the right and up and you will find a soldier there, hunched over.

Head out of the hall and straight down to exit this area. In the next area, pick up the Field Operations Manual from the wall. Check the drawer next to Marcel for 3 more smokes. Talk to Marcel. Check the second set of drawers for 3 more smokes. Exit this room through the door at the bottom.

You will be out in the trenches now. Talk to the Commander on the left – your goal is to reach your brother Pierre. On the left, there is a room where a soldier is sleeping. You will also find a gap where the wire has come off in the wall. On the right of the Commander is another locked door that requires a key.

Head to the far left and follow the trench through, till you reach the trench dugout where you can hide. Check it out and then go dugout a little bit further down. Talk to Henri inside and head up through the narrow corridor. On the right is a locked door and on the left is a hint that barrels can be smashed open. Go straight up.

Where do you pick up the Trench Shovel?

In this room you can pick up the Trench Shovel. Equip it from your inventory. Go back out and smash the barrel you passed by earlier for 5 more smokes. Then clear the debris on the doorway heading up.

Smash the barrels to pass through. Check the bed for someone’s left behind gear and the locked door. Exit through the door at the bottom. Once outside, smash the barrels to find a Bandage. Follow up the channel and you will be attacked by a zombie. Use your shovel to take him out.

Go straight up and smash the barrel next to the tunnel for more smokes. Enter the tunnel. Inside you will find Pierre, after moving him – go up and pick up the Smokes from the right.

Where do you get the Rifle?

Exit through the door on top and you will be in a vault like area. Check the locker on top for smokes. The same in the next set of lockers. Push the box at the bottom to clear a path and go through the door. Inside the room, pick up the Rifle Rounds from the locker on the floor. Now, go up and you will find the Rifle.

Smash the barrel at the bottom for more rifle rounds. There are two locked doors on the right and if you head down and to the left and up through a narrow channel, the door at the end here is locked too.

Once you leave this area back to where you came from, you will be attacked. Take the zombie out and then head through the door on top and you will be back in the trenches. Pick up the bullets from the satchel on the wall. When you head up from here, you will come across two soldiers, go up behind them and shoot them.

You might have to run back to the vault to reset the other one because he chases after you. Once they have been dealt with head through the door on top. In this room, pick up the ink tablets from the table and save at the Journal.

Talk to Marcel and then smash the barrel for a Chemical Fluid – which can be used to make ammo or bandages. On the upper side of this room, you will find a storage box and a bandage in the locker. Go through the door next to the locker and in the next room, pick up the bullets from a box on the table. Talk to the Commander and you will be in the frontlines.

Pick up the bullets on the right and then check the lock on top here. You will need a combination to unlock the door. Pick up the bullets from the corpse. The blockhouse next to you is locked. Go through the trench till you reach a soldier going insane, then go to the left to find more rounds. Head straight up to the sandbags and man the machine gun here.

You will get overrun, so run back and deal with the rushing soldiers. As you run back you will see the soldier you saw previously going insane get shelled. Run through there now after kill the rushing soldiers. Pick up the bullets from the satchel on the wall. Soldiers will be rushing through the trench next to you – take them out by maintaining distance.

Remember to loot the enemies. Go back through the embanked machine gun and go through to the right and down – pick up the bandage from the satchel on the wall and the smokes from the dead body at the bottom.

Head down through the trench next to you here and pick up the First Aid Kid from a crate next to a corpse.

Head down from here and you will find another embanked machine gun. There is a bandage on the corpse next to it. You will be rushed by a soldier in armour now. The Machine gun does not affect him a lot, but it is your best option to get some damage on him. Run around dodging his axe swings and slowly whittle his health down. Once he goes down, pick up the Gun Parts off his corpse.

Run back now and head up from the intersection.

Pick up the bullets from the crate next to the embanked explosive barrel. Head to the right as you see a soldier climb up from the trench and pick up the rifle rounds from the satchel on the wall. There is a boarded up room below here, so go around and smash the boards in and pick up the Shotgun shells inside. You will find the number 80 on the corpse here.

Exit the room and head right – following the arrow. Head down now and you will come across a moveable crate, push it out of the way. Pick up some more shotgun shells from the satchel on the wall. If you check the corpse here you will find the number 53. Head back up and pick up the rounds from the satchel on the wall and head up.

Where do you get the Pump Shotgun?

Kill the soldier inside the house and you can pick up the Pump Shotgun on top.

Pick up the shells on the left side of the room. You need to return to Pierre now. So jump down the wall here. Run back as the shelling and gassing starts. Keep heading down till you reach a bunker, run through and come out the other side.

Where do you get the Trench Key?

Eventually you will reach a rail track and that is the checkpoint. Pick up the Trench Key here.

Unlock the door and you will be back in the vault we were in earlier. Check your map and run back to the Support Trenches where we left Pierre. Once you get there, you will find Pierre gone and a note left in his stead. Exit through the door at the bottom and you will be knocked out.

This concludes our walkthrough of Chapter 1 of Conscript. Read Chapter 2 here. (Coming Soon)

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