Xbox exclusive Avowed is similar in length to The Outer Worlds

It looks like it’s not going to take you hundreds of hours to unlock all the Avowed achievements. Obsidian has revealed Avowed’s length, saying the Xbox exclusive is similar in scope to the developer’s previous RPG, The Outer Worlds.

“The best comparison for Avowed in terms of scope is The Outer Worlds”

In a new interview with Game Informer, Avowed game director Carrie Patel was asked how long the RPG will be, to which she compared Avowed to The Outer Worlds. “The best comparison for Avowed in terms of scope is The Outer Worlds,” Patel said. “Players can expect a roughly similar experience, just like The Outer Worlds, depending on what kind of difficulty they play on, and how thoroughly they explore and invest inside content, versus just sticking to the main crit path missions.”

It takes around 15 hours to beat The Outer Worlds’ story, and roughly double that if you explore the RPG’s side content. While that may be a little on the short side for some, I am all for shorter RPG experiences that won’t take me an eon to finish. As for unlocking all of the base The Outer Worlds achievements, that takes between 40 and 50 hours, according to estimates — hopefully, this will be the same for Avowed.

Obsidian unveiled Avowed’s first story trailer during the Xbox Games Showcase, and it seemingly leaked the RPG’s release date. Obsidian also recently revealed more on Avowed’s third-person gameplay.

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