XDefiant dev says Ubisoft’s free-to-play shooter wasn’t “rushed out” and will improve

XDefiant players will “see things improve and new features get added” says executive producer
“Rushed out? No. What we have is an engine that has only ever been an MMO. And so all of the infrastructure for an FPS has had to be built up from the ground floor,” XDefiant executive producer Mark Rubin says on Twitter in response to a player asking if the game had been rushed out because of GTA 6 and Call of Duty Black Ops.
“Even CoD started on ID tech which was a shooter engine. Apex started on a shooter engine. But for us we are working on developing all new tech in an engine that was designed for something else,” Rubin continues. “That being said the engine is really great but it does require a lot of work and with that work comes a lot of bugs that other engines have already worked out. We’re not a shooter that’s been out for 20 years. If you like what we are trying to do stick around and you’ll see things improve and new features get added. But if the game isn’t for you that’s ok you can move on.”
Rubin reiterates the point in response to another question, saying, “It’s not that [the engine is] outdated. It’s more just that it wasn’t made to do first person shooters so there is a lot to do and to improve.”
If you are spending your time in XDefiant, Season 1 is now live with new maps, a new faction, and more.