Game Boy Super Mario Land Expert Mode Video Walkthrough

This is a video walkthrough / playthrough / runthrough / etc for the game boy game Super Mario Land. I am playing on the expert mode
This is going through the expert mode of the game (which you can tell by the Mario head instead of the mushroom when at the title screen. Expert mode is a little bit harder. A few extra enemies thrown in here and there, but nothing too different if you’ve played the game enough times. This is a game I could play in my sleep.
As far as secrets and whatnot go, I think I did a good job finding them all. There are some passages I could have taken to get some extra coins and whatnot, but I would have to have gotten hit, and I try not to do so in my runs. I’m pretty sure though I hit most of the pipes you can go into. I’m pretty much going off on what I remember playing as a kid.
I might have rushed through, but again, this was a game I’ve played to heck and back (even the expert mode), so there wasn’t much to it for me. A quick little fun game indeed.
Originally posted by UCjLsrOYqUqMifcesOdzfNVw on 2015-02-13 04:53:07