Bunnito’s Feast – Check out this charming Commodore Amiga (AGA) game by captain-ts
Looking to play a charming and family friendly game over the weekend, then this game by Captain-ts might just the game for you! It’s Bunnito’s Feast’ for the Commodore Amiga (AGA). A game in which playing as a cute Bunny that has escaped his cage, you must traverse dangerous landscapes while finding food along the way, to hopefully find your way home. To coincide with this news, we’ve got a brief description about this Scorpion Engine developed game as well as a gameplay video from Saberman.
Here’s the latest “Bunnito is a cute, but slow and clumsy rabbit who mostly cares about eating. He’s escaped his cage, and lost his way home in his quest for food. He’s ended up in a cruel place, and needs your help finding his way home. Avoid the enemies, eat 20 pieces of food and find the exit!”
- Straightforward gameplay with two entertaining levels
- 50fps AGA graphics with detailed animation
- High quality atmospheric sound
- Pixel art and audio crafted by the author
Minimum requirements
- AGA Amiga or capable emulator
- 1 MB fast RAM or other RAM
- A standard 1-button controller (support for 2 buttons)
- A hard drive or a CD drive
Links :1) Source – Thanks Liqmatrix for the heads up too!