Former PlayStation exec found it hard to play Star Fox Zero
Poor Star Fox Zero. The game came out late in the Wii U’s lifespan, long after the system had already sealed its fate. Along with that, it really aimed to put the two-screen idea of the Wii U to good use, which led to some having quite a tough time enjoying the experience. Among those who struggled is a former PlayStation bigwig.
In an interview with MinnMax, we learn that former PlayStation exec Shuhei Yoshida had the chance to play Star Fox Zero prior to release. At an industry event, Shigeru Miyamoto was showcasing the game, and Yoshida had a chance to give it a go with Nintendo’s main man at his side. While Yoshida gave the game his all, things didn’t quite click for him.
Yoshida mentioned that Miyamoto asked him to share his thoughts on the experience, but Yoshida was hesitant to share his honest opinion. Instead, Yoshida decided to tell Miyamoto that Star Fox Zero was an interesting use of two screens at once.
Yoshida is far from the only person to say that Star Fox Zero was a bit difficult to play. Some people found the GamePad and TV gameplay to be a novel approach, while others found it much too trying to keep up with the action. If you’re one of the few who gave this game a go, what did you think of its gameplay hook?