Kickstarter Kompilation: February 2025 edition
Make room on your bookshelves and dust off your Game Boy.
After a completely uneventful January we find ourselves in February, a month long associated with romance. In this case, I hope you love print projects because we’ve got an assortment of them waiting for your support.
As always, we have no insider information or financial interest in any of these projects, and no one at Retronauts has been compensated for including anything on this page. Also, in light of the ongoing pandemic, we recommend only backing crowdfunding campaigns if you feel comfortable with your own security and stability.
Retro Game Zine Issues 003 & 004 (ends Feb 8 estimated reward date Apr 2025)
Returning writer Darren Hupke continues to publish Retro Game Zine thanks to your help. These upcoming issues feature Final Fantasy XI and Project Firestart, respectively.
Hand-Drawn Game Guides: Mega Man (ends Feb 13 estimated reward date Aug 2025)
We featured Philip Summers’ quest to illustrate his own guides to classic video games back in 2021, an effort that got him plenty of attention and not all of it good; in the end he canceled the campaign to avoid legal issues. But this time, with Capcom’s official blessing, he’s making a full-color Mega Man (NES, 1987) strategy guide.
The Last Game Centers (ends Feb 15 estimated reward date Sep 2025)
Folks, I don’t have to tell you that arcades aren’t what they used to be; even in Japan their numbers are dwindling, and I’m still reeling from the recent loss of Zarigani in Osaka due to a fire. This photo book documents the few remaining businesses dedicated to this form of gaming.
RPM Issue 5 (ends Feb 17 estimated reward date Mar 2025)
Another returnee to the Kompilation, Sandeep Rai is here seeking funds for a new issue of RPM, his unofficial Retro PlayStation Magazine featuring “Demon’s Souls, Remember Me, Katamari Damacy, the Top Ten PS+ Classics of 2024, and much more.”
HeroBot! (ends Feb 22 estimated reward date Dec 2025)
We all love Kirby and Mega Man, two gaming icons that delight in stealing the abilities of others to use in their fight against evil. HeroBot! combines these two into one robot, adding the ability to combine stolen powers into new powers. There’s already a demo on Steam to try for yourself.
Save Me Cows! (ends Mar 1 estimated reward date May 2025)
I consider Chu Chu Rocket one of the most underappreciated games on the Sega Dreamcast, so I approve of Danny Bliss’ attempt to channel that madcap energy onto the Game Boy in the original title. Bliss says the game is nearly complete and runs on “all original Game Boy models, Analogue Pocket, and Modretro’s Cromatic.” Both digital and physical copies are available.