I’m convinced being a ghoul in Fallout 76 is the best way to vibe in West Virginia, thanks to these powerful perk cards and my new true love: Radiation

One running joke that has always alarmed my friends is how nice I think a Fallout apocalypse would be. Not on ground zero, mind, I’m talking about getting to sleep for 100 years (which I could really use right about now) in a cryovat, to then wake up and get to explore a new untamed world completing fun little quests and hunting for trinkets and scrap which I can store in a clunky yet functional base. Pretty much my only hope of becoming a homeowner, at this point.

But as that’s likely not in the cards for me, like I could ever get access to a working cryovat, I’ve always settled for just immersing myself in Fallout games, especially Fallout 76. Being a live service game has meant that there’s always a new reason to wander the Wasteland, even if my dedication has wildly fluctuated over the years, it’s always nice popping back in and collecting even more junk for my base.

(Image credit: Bethesda)

But as time went on, I found myself returning to Fallout 76 less and less; there’s only so many hours in the day. That’s not to say there’s nothing going on in West Virginia. Recent updates like Skyline Valley added some exciting escort missions, and there’s a new dungeon raid coming up, which looks like a hell of a lot of fun. But, for me, the flame was fading nevertheless. That was until I turned into a ghoul.

Originally posted by www.pcgamer.com

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