Arcade Hunter! | GamesYouLoved
Everything is worth something, but some things are just not worth selling!
I have a unique job where every day has something new in store, but I always have the same goal regardless: SELL EVERYTHING. Having grown up in the art of resale since I was 12 years old, I have grown accustomed and built up a sort of immunity to the idea of keeping “stuff.” The thought of finding something “cool” and potentially keeping it, whether it’s from a storage unit, a garage sale, or an auction, no longer peaks my interest anymore.
I don’t mean to say that as if I’m one of those mindless people that express zero-emotion in their day-to-day lives. It’s more the idea that if I did not approach it this way, my house would probably be featured on an episode of Hoarders!. You know, one of those reality shows where I am just like the 60-year old lady who has floor-to-ceiling trash filling her entire home and no longer has any room left for herself or her 12 cats to sleep anymore.
There is however, one thing, out of all the antiques, trash, electronics, cars, guns, dirty mattresses, and adult toys I find that I absolutely cannot come to terms with selling. Ladies and Gentlemen, that one thing, is arcades!!!!.
Since I was a small child I’ve had this fascination with these large machines that too many non-fans may just see as glorified televisions in a wooden painted box dedicated to one lame video game. But whenever I see an arcade, whether it is at a laundry mat (launderettes), a family fun centre, or even a pizza restaurant, I see something different. I see art.
To be quite honest, I’m not really even into playing video games. I get a joy in simply collecting and displaying arcades, as if they were literal pieces of handmade art, like a painting or sculpture. Now that’s not to say that many of these machines were probably made on some assembly line in Japan, but I still appreciate them just the same.
I just don’t like the fully restored, pristine condition machines either. In fact, I have more beat-up, graffiti tagged machines then perfect condition ones. And you know what? That’s okay with me. These aged machines tell a story. A story when the arcade was king, when going to these late night amusement centres were a social hangout spot, when people would leave their homes to play video games, as opposed to locking themselves in their rooms to playing Call of Duty all night. (Nothing against any of those people, I love console gaming on occasion too!)
I just love to see these classic monsters in action. I like to see people, young and old, English, American, whatever, enjoy the experience of playing an arcade.