‘Hearthstone’ March of the Lich King Expansion Announced With New Death Knight Class Coming Next Month – TouchArcade
Blizzard just revealed the newest expansion for Hearthstone (Free) with a big patch going live on iOS, Android, and PC. Hearthstone March of the Lich King features the new Death Knight playable class, the new Manathirst keyword, Undead minions, and more. This expansion launches worldwide next month featuring 145 new cards with pre-purchase now available inside the Hearthstone client on mobile. The Death Knight class is a new permanent addition to the game with a 1/1 Ghoul with Charge summon that dies at the end of the turn as Hero Power. Alongside the announcement for the expansion, a new Sunwell Login Reward is available in-game now. Full details for the expansion are here. Watch the cinematic trailer for Hearthstone March of the Lich King below:
Patch 25.0 will also introduce Signature Cards and Signature Golden Packs that are a new cosmetic quality for cards featuring stylized full-art images. These cannot be crafted or disenchanted and can only be earned through special ways. Hearthstone March of the Lich King will see 18 Signature Cards arrive. For pre-purchase ahead of the December 6th release date for Hearthstone March of the Lich King, you can grab the Mega Bundle with 2 random Hearthstone March of the Lich King Signature Legendary cards and Signature Golden Packs in addition to 80 expansion card packs and the card back. Future expansions will see Signature Golden Packs replace Golden Packs. The regular bundle includes 60 expansion packs, two random Legendary cards, and the Lor’themar card back. Blizzard is allowing pre-purchase bundles to be available for a week after the expansion launches this time as well. If you haven’t grabbed Hearthstone yet, check it out here on the App Store. Do you play Hearthstone often?