Submarine Warfare – Destroy all the Warships in this Arcade C64 game by Mirazulado

Putting aside all the Amstrad games, it’s time for the Commodore 64 to get in on the homebrew fun, as thanks to Saberman contacting us today, he has told us that Mirazulado has released the rather enjoyable C64 game of ‘Submarine Warfare’; An Arcade game in which you need to destroy all the Warships above you, while trying not to be blown up by the deadly depth charges. In light of this news, Saberman has also done a short video of the game which as ever is viewable below.

Yes indeed welcome to another C64 game to enjoy, game that doesn’t just feature lots of levels to play through, but while you are trying to destroy any Warships above that become ever more dangerous as the levels progress, you must also keep an eye on your Oxygen supply that starts to drop the longer you try to avoid being blown out of the water. So yes if you’re looking for an enjoyable game to play, make 
sure to check out Submarine Warfare for the C64 by Mirazulado.

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