Lex Luger helps me explain this weeks retro video game review of Super Saturday – WCW SuperBrawl

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WCW SuperBrawl Retro Video Game Review 1994

Welcome back to another retro video game review on Toned In Entertainment. The original WCW Video game on the NES is definitely one of my favorite wrestling games of all times

In fact I’ve already made a video for that game that you can see here.

Now you’d think with better technology we would get better games but that wasn’t nessecerially always the case as I remember being disappointed by this game when I played it as a youngster. But I went into this review to give it a fair shot and well….
Lets just get on with my retro video game review of WCW Super Brawl released on the Super Nintendo SNES back in 1994.

Just like its predecessor there are 12 selectable characters with Ric Flair – Sting – Rick Steiner and Ricky The Dragon Steamboat as the 4 returning characters and Dustin Rhodes – Big Van Vader – Ravashing Rick Rude – Johnny B Badd – Flying Brian Pillman – Scott Steiner – Ron Simmons and Barry Whyndam as the 8 new playable characters.

Now this is no longer 8 bit as we have the power of the 16 bit Super Nintendo here and the game developers have added in these video pop in screens on both the character select screen and in game. So if you or your opponent does a big move Tony Shavonie might call out the move, even if its wrong ( VADER TOURNAMENT TC 1:16 Flat On The Mat ) or the wrestler will throw out a taunt ( Vader Tournament TC 7:16 )

There are 3 different games modes here with the classic Single Event to the Tournament and even Ultimate Challenge.

Now I did play through the tournament mode which was 3 matches and took about 18 minutes. Now why so long. Well, here in WCW SuperBrawl its the best 3 out of 5 falls. Why this game design decision I have no clue, but it’s just one of the elements of this game that makes it quite a bore. And while I did play through the tournament I couldn’t muster up the energy to try the Ultimate Challenge as I would rather be power bombed through a table than go through the agony of trying to play that mode

The visuals of this game are not appeasing, annotation of the characters is extremely still and the ambiance of the match that includes no music and only horrible crowd noise and wrestler sound affects just make this game a complete turn off.

The actual wrestling and move selection is limited and feels repetitive no matter which wrestler you do select.

Now each wrestler does have a signature move and you can build up to having 4 of them stored for use but lets just see ow lackluster they are a I want to compare Stings Scorpion Deathlock from the 1990 WCW World Championship Wrestling NES Nintendo game

Now when you nail that move you can feel the energy like you should from a signature move. Now lets compare that to the SuperBrawl Version ( Tag Team TC 5:35 )

There’s just no energy to this game and no matter if your favorite wrestler of all time I available for you to control, you quickly want to leave hang up your tights for good on this stinker.

My final score for WCW Super Brawl is going to be a 3 out of 10.

The positives here, you do have 12 WCW wrestlers, each with a signature move and the character select screen is a nice touch. Plus the game is functional. But everything else about this game is just clunky and tedious and after going back and playing this here, I see no need to ever play this game ever again

That’s going to wrap up my retro video game review of WCW SuperBrawl for the Super Nintendo released back in 1994.

What are your memories of this game comment down below and if you lie these retro video game reviews make sure you SUBSCRIBE here to Toned In Entertainment for future videos.

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