Genshin Impact Qiqi build | Pocket Tactics

Genshin Impact’s Qiqi is a five-star cryo sword wielder, who also happens to be a zombie resurrected by the Liyue adepti. Now in the care of Genshin Impact’s Baizhu at the Bubu Pharmacy, she’s a soft-spoken, forgetful child, but can certainly hold her own with her attack-scaling heals and strong cryo attacks. Grab your diary so you don’t forget anything because we’re about to dive into the best build for Qiqi featuring artifacts, weapons, skills, and talent upgrades.
If you want to stock up on wishes for new characters on the Genshin Impact banner, then check out our regularly updated Genshin Impact codes list. We also have a Genshin Impact tier list, and information on the recent Genshin Impact update too.
Here’s everything you need to know about Genshin Impact’s Qiqi.
What’s the best Genshin Impact Qiqi build?
Qiqi often gets a bad rep as you likely lost your 50/50 to her on a limited banner, but don’t be too sad to see her flash up on your screen – this little ice pop packs a mighty punch when it comes to healing. Both Qiqi’s damage and healing potential scale with her attack, making her pretty simple to build – if not a little weird for a healer. Qiqi doesn’t regenerate energy on her own unless you have her first constellation (let’s be honest, who doesn’t), and has long skill and burst cooldowns, especially when compared to the competition, so bear that in mind.
In this guide, we primarily focus on full healer Qiqi, as, in our opinion, that’s the role she excels at best, and the competition for cryo DPS is far too stiff to be worthwhile.
What are the best Genshin Impact Qiqi weapons?
As a standard-banner character, Qiqi doesn’t have a signature weapon, but thankfully her best in slot is the Sacrificial Sword – a four-star weapon easily refined and built. This sword doesn’t have the highest attack stat, but it does give a huge boost to her energy recharge.
At refinement rank five, Sacrificial Sword’s passive reliably resets Qiqi’s elemental skill cooldown, which combats two of her main flaws – a long skill cooldown, and a lack of elemental particles. When paired with Ocean-Hued Clam artifacts, Sacrificial Sword tackles most of Qiqi’s shortcomings and makes her a far more viable healer.
You can equip Qiqi with a Skyward Blade for its high energy recharge. Or, if you’re looking for a more affordable option, a Favonius Sword works well and reduces the strain on her teammates when it comes to regenerating elemental particles.
Weapon | Effect | How to obtain |
Sacrificial Sword (four-star) | Bonus effect: Energy recharge Skill: After an elemental skill damages an opponent, the skill has a 40% chance to end its own cooldown. This can only occur once every 30 seconds |
All banners |
Skyward Blade (five-star) | Bonus effect: Energy recharge Skill: Increases crit rate by 4%. Upon using an elemental burst, gain Skypiercing Might, which increases movement and attack speed by 10% and increases the damage of normal and charged attacks by 20% for 12 seconds |
Standard banner |
Favonius Sword (four-star) | Bonus effect: Energy recharge Skill: Crit hits have a 60% chance to generate a small amount of elemental particles, which regenerate six energy for the wielder. Can only occur once every 12 seconds |
All banners |
What are the best Genshin Impact Qiqi artifacts?
A four-piece set of Ocean Hued Clam is an amazing choice for Qiqi, offering a significant boost to her damage, even when she’s off-field. This set synergizes particularly well with Sacrificial Sword to maximize its uptime.
Of course, Maiden Beloved also provides a healing bonus, too. If you’re struggling to raise Qiqi’s attack number, then a two-piece of Gladiators Finale – or any of the other attack-boosting artifact sets – won’t go amiss. Stacking two attack-boosting two-piece sets will work wonders if you’ve got a low attack stat.
Artifact set | Effect | How to obtain |
Ocean Hued-Clam | Two equipped: Healing bonus Four equipped: When Qiqi heals a character in the party, a Sea-Dyed Foam appears for three seconds, accumulating the amount of HP recovered from healing (including overflow healing). The Sea-Dyed Foam explodes, dealing damage to nearby opponents based on 90% of the accumulated healing. This effect can still trigger when Qiqi is not on the field |
Slumbering Court domain |
Maiden Beloved | Two equipped: Healing effectiveness increase Four equipped: Elemental skills and bursts increase healing for all party members by 20% for ten seconds |
Valley of Remembrance domain |
Gladiator’s Finale | Two equipped: Attack increase Four equipped: Not recommended |
Boss drops, artifact strongbox |
Shimenawa’s Reminiscence | Two equipped: Attack increase Four equipped: Not recommended |
Momiji-Dyed Court domain |
Echoes of an Offering | Two equipped: Attack increase Four equipped: Not recommended |
The Lost Valley domain |
Vermillion Hereafter | Two equipped: Attack increase Four equipped: Not recommended |
The Lost Valley domain |
Artifact stat recommendations
Main stats:
- Sands: Attack %
- Goblet: Attack %
- Circlet: Attack % or healing bonus
- Energy recharge
- Attack %
- Flat attack
- Crit rate/crit damage
What are Genshin Impact Qiqi’s abilities?
Active skills:
Skill | Effect |
Normal attack: Ancient Sword Art | Normal: Performs five strikes Charged: Consumes stamina to perform two slashes Plunging: Deals AoE damage on impact |
Elemental skill: Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost | Qiqi deals AoE cryo damage and summons a Herald of Frost. Herald of Frost effects:
Elemental burst: Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune | Marks nearby enemies with a Fortune-Preserving Talisman that deals cryo damage. When enemies marked with that talisman take damage, the character that dealt the damage regenerates HP |
Passive skills:
Skill | Effect |
Life-Prolonging Methods (unlocked at ascension one) | If a character under the effects of Herald of Frost triggers an elemental reaction, their incoming healing bonus increases by 20% for eight seconds. |
A Glimpse into Arcanum (unlocked at ascension four) | Qiqi’s normal and charged attacks have a 50% chance to apply a Fortune-Preserving Talisman for six seconds. This can only occur once every 30 seconds. |
Former Life Memories (unlocked automatically) | Displays the location of nearby Liyue-exclusive resources on the mini-map. |
What are Genshin Impact Qiqi’s constellations?
It can take a lot of luck to max out Qiqi’s constellations, but here’s every bonus you receive for achieving the great feat.
Constellation | Effect |
C1: Ascetics of Frost | When Herald of Frost hits an enemy marked by a talisman, Qiqi regenerates two energy. |
C2: Frozen to the Bone | Damage dealt by normal and charged attacks against enemies affected by cryo increases by 15%. |
C3: Ascendant Praise | Increases the level of Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune by three. |
C4: Divine Suppression | Enemies marked by the talisman have their attack decreased by 20%. |
C5: Crimson Lotus Bloom | Increases the level of Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost by three. |
C6: Rite of Resurrection | Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune revives fallen characters and heals 50% of their HP. This can only occur once every 15 minutes. |
What are Genshin Impact Qiqi’s ascension materials?
Keep hold of all your Violetgrass and Hoarfrost Cores from the Cryo Regisvine if you want to ascend Qiqi as soon as possible. You also need to beat up plenty of samachurls for their scroll drops.
Required level | Mora | Materials |
20 | 20,000 | One shivada jade sliver, three violetgrass, three divining scrolls |
40 | 40,000 | Three shivada jade fragments, two hoarfrost cores, ten violetgrass, 15 divining scrolls |
50 | 60,000 | Six shivada jade fragments, four hoarfrost cores, 20 violetgrass, 12 Sealed scrolls |
60 | 80,000 | Three shivada jade chunks, eight hoarfrost cores, 30 violetgrass, 18 Sealed scrolls |
70 | 100,000 | Six shivada jade chunks, 12 hoarfrost cores, 45 violetgrass, 12 forbidden curse scrolls |
80 | 120,000 | Six shivada jade gemstones, 20 hoarfrost cores, 60 violetgrass, 24 forbidden curse scrolls |
What are Genshin Impact Qiqi’s talent materials?
Qiqi’s talent upgrades require even more Samachurl scrolls, along with Prosperity talent books (farmed in the Taishan Mansion domain), and Tail of Boreas drops from the weekly Andrius fight in Mondstadt.
Talent level | Mora | Materials |
Two | 12,500 | Six divining scrolls, three teachings of prosperity |
Three | 17,500 | Three sealed scrolls, two guides to prosperity |
Four | 25,000 | Four sealed scrolls, four guides to prosperity |
Five | 30,000 | Six sealed scrolls, six guides to prosperity |
Six | 37,500 | Nine sealed scrolls, nine guides to prosperity |
Seven | 120,000 | Four forbidden curse scrolls, four philosophies of prosperity, one tail of Boreas |
Eight | 260,000 | Six forbidden curse scrolls, six philosophies of prosperity, one tail of Boreas |
Nine | 450,000 | Nine forbidden curse scrolls, 12 philosophies of prosperity, two tail of Boreas |
Ten | 700,000 | 12 forbidden curse scrolls, 16 philosophies of prosperity, two tail of Boreas, one crown of insight |
What are the best Genshin Impact Qiqi team comps?
Qiqi doesn’t really have any specific comps, given that she is a healer. And a good one at that! Don’t forget her cryo application, either, as it can help in a freeze or taser comp.
If you’re looking for more games like Genshin Impact, take a look at our list of the best gacha games on mobile – plus, here are all the Honkai Star Rail characters, our Honkai Star Rail tier list, and Honkai Star Rail codes.