GTA Arkham City Stories Font (TFC Installer) at Batman: Arkham Knight Nexus

About this mod

This mod replaces the base AK font with a Grand Theft Auto font, requested by Denzel.

Permissions and credits
There isn’t much to say, besides the fact that this mod is just a taste of what’ll come soon (Arkham City styled mods), I just made this quickly since I’m bored haha.Installation
GTA Font
1. First, you will need to download TFC Installer off of Nexus.

2. Set Arkham Knight as your Game Folder, it should look something like this:
YOURDRIVE:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Batman Arkham Knight

3. Extract the Zip file that comes with my mod, and open TFC Installer. Click on “Texture Pack / Game patch”, and direct it to the extracted mod folder.

4. Click “Update Batman: Arkham Knight“, and wait for it to load. Then you can launch the game and check the mod out!

Font Scaler
1. Place/extract the BmGame folder into your Arkham Knight directory. When you launch the game, the font should be scaled down. 
NOTE: You can edit the value in the .txt file to suit your needs.

DenzelNexus – Suggesting the mod & the name of the mod

Originally Posted on www.nexusmods.com

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