Punch-Out (NES) – Blueluigi Video Game Reviews (full version)
This is the full version of my Punch-Out review that was originally posted on Gameular, and later, Screwattack. When I first posted it on Youtube, I had to shorten this video since Youtube’s time limit was 10 minutes. Now that Youtube extended their time limit to 15 minutes, it’s time to start taking advantage of it by finally have the full, unedited version see the light of day on Youtube.
SPOILER: Things that were edited out in the short version:
– A look at Piston Honda during intermission and in the ring.
– Fighting King Hippo
– The Eye of the Tiger sequence. The short version doesn’t use the song at all but still talks about fighting Mr. Dream.
Originally posted by UCM8MhkQcIV515ZGtRLMNYow on 2010-08-22 18:41:26