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Here at Gamingnewsmag.com, we are passionate about all aspects of gaming. We see gaming as entertainment, a way of communicating and as an art form.
We love console, PC and mobile games. New & Yester-year. We aim to provide the latest & greatest news, reviews & content from all over the internet & have them all in one place so that others don’t need to spend hours trying to find what it is that they need.
We do rely on adverts to support our site but no doubt you’ll recognise the highly reputable brands. So if you see anything you may feel like buying, give them a click.
We also love to hear feedback from our users on what we can do to make their experience with us even greater. One suggestion given to us was to add a section on retro games, which we have now added!
We hope that you enjoy our site and find it useful.
“Happy Gaming”
– Cybergal (Miranda) Gamingmag.com founder.