‘OUT OF THE BLUE’ – A Dungeon Crawler You Need to Finish in 32 Moves

OUT OF THE BLUE drops you in a dangerous dungeon with only some bullets and a tea kettle. And you need to get out in thirty-two steps or less.

You don’t know how you’ve ended up in this moonlight sapphire maze, but you want to leave. Trouble is, you have a teapot and no tea, as well as bullets with no gun. You’re not really in a position to deal with the giant spiders, guards, and invisible monsters that lurk in the maze all around you. Plus, you really only have enough energy to take thirty-two actions as you explore. The odds are pretty stacked against you from the start, so you’ll want to be really careful at first. If you’re not, you’ll be killed or collapse from exhaustion, finding yourself back at your campfire.

OUT OF THE BLUE - tea bubbles on a campfire. boxes surround the fire

If you move around without getting clobbered, you’ll find a gun – one that you get to keep after death. Same goes for leaves for tea and water. The things you find in the maze stay in your possession, letting you fight back against enemies (although this counts as one of you precious actions) or brew some healing tea. At this point, you need to start poking your way through the dungeon, slowly unveiling the best possible route to take through the place and escape. Luckily, you have a map that remembers everywhere you’ve been, so you can piece together a path that you can survive. It doesn’t mark down enemies, though, so don’t forget them. Like I do. Constantly.

OUT OF THE BLUE is a quick roguelike dungeon crawling experience that you can pick at even when you only have a few minutes. However, prodding at its paths and figuring out that optimal route can be pretty compelling. Especially if you want both of the game’s endings.

some grass has been picked up from a stone maze

OUT OF THE BLUE is available now on

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